Gloranthan metals


There's not much written about Gloranthan metals, just a small section near the start of GtSA. There is no mention of enchanted metals, for instance. Have I missed something?
Yep, 'Elder Secrets of Glorantha' had a great listing of Gloranthan metals and their diffierent properties when Enchanted. It's a shame it hasn't been included in a Gloranthan supplement, as it really adds alot of flavour to the setting.

The 'Arms & Equipment' Book would have been a good place to include a page or two on Gloranthan specific metals and their qualities.
All I can think of is Arms & Equipment book which contains a table for alternate armour materials? There are such materials as Dwarven Cinder, Elfen silk (obviously not a metal), steel (assuming iron is the more common basic material?) and 'wondrous metal'. The book conveniently avoids describing or giving stats for wondrous metal, unless those are given in the errata?

Nothing about special metals in the weapon section, I think?

EDIT: ah yes, wondrous metal is defined in the errata.
Is it against forum rules for me to post the Elder Secrets rules here for people to use considering its a book that has been out of print for over 2 decades?
Cassius said:
Is it against forum rules for me to post the Elder Secrets rules here for people to use considering its a book that has been out of print for over 2 decades?
As it's a full page or two of text, I'd shy away from posting the whole thing. The rules themselves are fair game, though, as those are not covered by copyright. E.g. no-one can copyright "Enchanted iron has x1.5 armour for the same ENC".
Verderer said:
DIT: ah yes, wondrous metal is defined in the errata.
As is steel, which I think I will use for Enchanted Iron. Half again APs is a bit much, I think, +1 is enough. I'm surprised that Wondrous Metal (e.g. mithril) also only gets +1, though.
Cassius said:
Is it against forum rules for me to post the Elder Secrets rules here for people to use considering its a book that has been out of print for over 2 decades?

Not sure, but if you google it, easy to find a pdf...