Fleet compostion Question.


Banded Mongoose
Ok, looking over the rules for tournament play they state you have to field Noble Armada models to play. I have a friend of mine who plays Voldrok. He is not to happy with the look of the Voldrok mini's. So instead he is wanting to build a Vuldrok fleet using models from the entire range..

Here are a few examples.

Vuldrok Explorer swap it out for a Hawkwood explorer
Vuldrok Frigate swap it out for a Hazat Frigate
Vuldrok Destroyer swap it out for a Decados Destroyer
and so on....
Vuldrok Dreadnought will still be a Voldrok Dreadnought (he thinks it's sexy.?)

Now he does plan to paint them all in the same paint scheme so they all match as a fleet. I do nto see an issue with him playing the fleet this way as long as he uses the rules for the Vuldrok ships and tells his opponenet which ships are what. I think it's a neat idea, and it goes with some of the fluff i have read. But i would like thoughts from other on this matter.
Depends on the tournament organiser, but if it was my event the answer would be no. People need to be clear on what they are facing across the table, without needing to have it explained to them all the time. It only takes one failure of understanding to end up with cries of cheat.

Better safe than sorry in that environment.
As said depends on the tournament and the organiser - now personally I would have allowed it as long as it was clear what the ships were - but then at last tournament I ran we had Cardassian and Cylon warships pretending to be B5 ships ;)
That's a different matter, as there is no possibility of confusion with other ships from the same game.

Counts as with ships from other ranges is okay, but from another faction within the same range is a big nono.
Da Boss said:
As said depends on the tournament and the organiser - now personally I would have allowed it as long as it was clear what the ships were - but then at last tournament I ran we had Cardassian and Cylon warships pretending to be B5 ships ;)
But would you have allowed Earth Alliance ships to pretend to be Centauri ships? ;)

Subject to agreement from whoever runs the tournament and preferably the other players as well, I suppose it could work with ships from another faction within the same range if the proxy ships are distinctively painted. Most people will presumably paint their Hawkwood Explorers the standard white/light grey and blue, for example; if the Vuldrok player paints his in their yellow and black scheme, they won't be confused with anyone else's genuine Hawkwood ships.

It could even be argued that this leads to less confusion if he's replacing like with like, e.g. Explorer for Explorer, since someone familiar with all NA ships will know that the ship he's looking at is an Explorer and have some idea what it will do. By contrast, if you're in a tournament in which someone is using ships from another system, you really will need to keep asking what that ship there is supposed to be. In that B5 tournament, I don't know one Cardassian ship from another, but I do know one Earth ship from another, so I'd more easily recognise a Vorchan if it's being represented by a purple Olympus than if it's being represented by something Cardassian. ;)

I suppose the real question LimeyDragon needs to ask his friend is, if he doesn't like the appearance of Vuldrok ships, why is he picking that fleet? :lol: The more important question is, what do the other players with whom he is likely to play think? They're the ones who will or will not object, and this guy needs to know their opinions before he buys and paints a fleet he can't use without lots of arguments...
I'm not playing right now, but speaking from experience in previous games (systems), proxy as little as you can get away with - the prospect (as has been mentioned) for arguments is just too high for the risk to be worthwhile - friendships can be soured that way.

If he likes the different fleets, suggest he buy the different fleets and (occasionally) fields one or two of them in a game (provided he can come up with a decent scenario to explain it). That would allow him to field the ships he likes, but not at the expense of the other players. Alternately, offer him the prospect of making a "pirate" fleet - ships from various fleets that are gathered under one flag, but possibly with the rule that no two ships can be the same class if above, say, frigate or destroyer size (and only one squadron of anything too small for that limitation). Also nothing bigger than a cruiser (it's unrealistic to expect pirates to get their hands on a dreadnought or large carrier, for example).

The only time I tolerated proxies that were nothing like the models were when someone was trying out a new unit - and then I asked them to keep a label on the bases so I could be reminded constantly of what they were.

Just my 2p... :)
AdrianH said:
I suppose the real question LimeyDragon needs to ask his friend is, if he doesn't like the appearance of Vuldrok ships, why is he picking that fleet? :lol: The more important question is, what do the other players with whom he is likely to play think? They're the ones who will or will not object, and this guy needs to know their opinions before he buys and paints a fleet he can't use without lots of arguments...

He likes there background and there rules. But is not hip on the actual looks of the models.. Most of the people he plays against don't care eitherway, they just want to play.. But he is a peace with the idea of having a tournament fleet (all vuldrok) and a fun fleet (mixed ships).

BFalcon said:
If he likes the different fleets, suggest he buy the different fleets and (occasionally) fields one or two of them in a game (provided he can come up with a decent scenario to explain it). That would allow him to field the ships he likes, but not at the expense of the other players. Alternately, offer him the prospect of making a "pirate" fleet - ships from various fleets that are gathered under one flag, but possibly with the rule that no two ships can be the same class if above, say, frigate or destroyer size (and only one squadron of anything too small for that limitation). Also nothing bigger than a cruiser (it's unrealistic to expect pirates to get their hands on a dreadnought or large carrier, for example).

He was wanting to build the fleet around Vuldrok. And have ships from other that he has "captured", to represent some of the models he does not like.
Though I like seeing what I'm playing against I found that if you mark the base with tape and write the ship class down so a person can not claim cheating. Its up to them to pay attention at that point.
part of the problem is there are rules for captured ships in campaigns and iirc theres going to be some for using them in your fleet so could get very complicated