First One Timeline *beware of Spoilers*


I've gotten interested in perhaps writing a rough timeline of all the events from the First Ones since there dawn to perhaps the Final Exodus of the Shadows and Vorlons. So what im writing here has got material from the Mongoose RPG books, AoG material and whats known on the show. So if you don't like spoilers turn away, if you do like spoilers be warned that I am not going into much detail as its very rough and you would need to get the book if you want more.

Thoughts and discussion are appreciated on this, any exact time table is not present but an order of events is here. Anyway, lets start now:

In the beginning: A primitive species of brutes evolved with little intelligence but one of their kind either mutates or is uplifted into sentience this being the First One; Lorien, others of his kind also follow his path and become known as the Speakers. Their progress is slow due to their natural immortality and discover numerous forms of life developing on hundreds of worlds which they sheppard.

Rise of the Ancients: Numerous members that are the First Ones evolve; the Triad are the second oldest being beings of energy followed by the Shadows, the Walkers of Sigma 957, the Hand, the Xu-Ha, the Vorlons form a small empire without discovering Hyperspace until the Speakers reveal themselves to them, the Mindriders evolve into beings of thought and finally the Torvalus.

Great Shadow War: Despite beings brothers in space, the various Ancients remain isolated from one another until a common threat unites them which is the Great Shadow War when the Shadows begin attacking everyone in order to prove that they have the right to exist. The true Shadow homeworld is never discovered but the many bases of the Shadows and their immense fleet are found and the united Ancients attack the Shadows after being led by the Speakers into battle. The last Shadow base is assaulted but Lorien does not destroy the species.

Seeding of Telepathy: The first true telepaths of the galaxy, the Mindriders, begin a process of seeding the telepathic gene among younger races in order to develop Mindspace. They also instruct some of the other First Ones on telepathy and one of their students are the Vorlons while the Shadows deny the invitation.

Deathbreak: The Speakers begin to die and their numbers are depleted. They retreat to the tombworld of Z'ha'dum in order to preserve their species and their influence diminishes which shatters the unity of the First Ones. The Mindriders create the Soul Hunters as a possible solution o the problem while the other First Ones attempt some form of life preservation techniques but these do not work.

Xu-Ha Purge: Transcendance drives the peaceful and wise Xu-Ha race insane and begin a process of exterminating all other non-transcendant races. The process is slow and when the other Ancients discover this they war upon the Xu-Ha. Like the Shadows, the Xu-Ha are given the option of surrender which they refuse. Without Loriens guidance, the First Ones decide that extermination is the only alternative and the Xu-Ha are wiped ou.

Thirdspace War: The Vorlons in their attempt to discover a higher plane of existence discover Thirdspace and create a gate over the original Vorlon homeworld. Instead, they opened the door to a dark and horrifying realm populated by beings that simply wanted to destroy all other forms of life. Their telepathy was so great that even Transcendant races fell under their thrall and the galaxy was almost dominated by their kind until the gates were shut down or sent into hyperspace. The Vorlons escape punishment due to how tired and weakened the other First Ones are.

Note - during their attempts at discovering Thirdspace, they may have learnt of Quantum Space in the process but it not being the dimension they were looking for simply used it rarely as a faster method of faster then light trave.

First Exodus: The devastation caused by the war was so traumatic that some First Ones never recover from the damage while others are weary of the galaxy. Many of the Speakers and First Ones decide to depart the galaxy for the Rim and begin one of a series of Exodus's from the known galaxy.

Seeding of life: The Vorlons create the Gardeners; a servitor species tasked with seeing life in the galaxy once more after the devastating wars of the past.

Time War: Some of the First Ones begin experimenting with time travel in an attempt to undo the Thirdspace War but this causes reality as it is known to fall apart. One First One race sacrifice themselves to preserve the time stream and merge with the space time continuum. Time travel becomes far more difficult to accomplish and only through small tears and rifts can it be done.

Primordial Era: The last known peaceful period of the First Ones where each mind their own actions and remain isolated from one another.

Kirishiac War: The last great war between the First Ones, the Kirishiac were a corporeal species and the last of the Ancients who evolved at a time when the Gaim themselves came into existence. The Kirishiac form a mighty empire without the aid of hyperspace and are visited by the Hand who attempt to turn them into a servitor race. The Kirishiac are enraged and cut a bloody path across the galaxy to find the Hand and the secrets of Transcendance. They find the Hands homeworld but the Hand offer to help them in their goals. They tear into Walker territory to find the knowledge and enter the hibernating Shadows realm as well as approach the Vorlons border. The First Ones unite once more and push back against the Kirishiac and there Hand allies but are defeated; the Kirishiac moon colony is transported into another dimension temporarily by the Walkers and return to demonstrate their power. Lorien intervenes and blames the collective First Ones for the disaster.

The Vigil: The Kirishiac are given a cosmic slap on the wrist while the Hand are punished more severely by being banished into the Greater Void between galaxies by the Walkers due to the fact that the Hand are energy beings and thus normal forms of punishment are not suitable. Its decided that a more control is required to prevent another Kirishiac War and the Vorlons suggest that jumpgates being placed in space for races to find and prevent them from discovering hypersace on their own. The Vorlons and Shadows are elected as custodians for the Younger Races and the Rules of Engagement drawn up.

Second Exodus: Most of the remaining First Ones leave for the Rim leaving their younger brothers in hands of the Shadows and Vorlons.

Note - if this material is not allowed to be posted, I shall remove it immediately once notified. Just starting a venue of discussion on the subject. Anyway, highlight to read and hope you enjoyed :)
I know but as a grand timeline I was putting together from Darkness and Light, Legends of the Rangers, AoG's War of the Ancients and the Lurkers Guide to Telepaths. I mean while Darkness and Light is a good book it doesnt mention the Kirishiac War which the Lurkers Guide to Telepaths and Legends of the Rangers mentions. Anyway, just seeing what peoples views are about such a timeine.