First Character Created using Traveller 2e


Well bought the book, been looking through it and now attempting a first character creation!

So stats:
Strength 8, Dexterity 6, Endurance 6, Intelligence 9, Education 6, Social Standing 7

Background Skills: Flyer 0, Profession 0 and Survival 0

Home world:
Size: 1, Atmosphere: 5, Hydro: 0, Population: 7, Government: 7, World Temperature: 4, Law: 8, Star port: C, Tech Level: 7
Trade Codes: Desert, Poor
Factions: Rolled 1 but it gained another 1 according to the rules in the book so rolled Fashionasta (significant) and Ritualists (Notable)

So we're talking a small asteroid community with a sizable spaceport built to one side the main government is controlled by a mix of old money families with an over the top indulgence in fashion they literally think how you dress and personal style matter more than the old ways which is exemplified by the older members of the community who aren't ready to discard their older social concepts just to look good.

So our newborn character attempts to enter Naval Military Academy but fails thus tries to apply to the Navy (Qualify 6+ rolled 8+1 (Int)) goes for the Flight career, Survival Dex7+ rolls 8 and for advancement needs 7+ and rolls an 11
Due to failing the military academy he can't apply for his commission this term but gains basic training and the one skill due to passing the advancement roll.

Basic Training: Athletics 0, Gun Combat 0, Gunner 0, Mechanic 0, Pilot 0 and Vacc Suit 0.
Event: rolled a 7 (Life Event) which results in a 10 meaning Good Fortune and a +2 to one benefit roll.
The advancement to Able Spacehand means Mechanic 1 and the skill roll Athletics/Endurance 1

2nd Term: Survival of 7+ results in a 6 and a roll of 2 on the mishap table leaves him in low berth and loses 1 from Strength as a result of improper revival however this doesn't eject him from this career.
I assume he still gets a skill roll which would be Pilot/Small Craft 1

3rd Term: switches to Line/Crew requiring a qualify roll of Int 7+ rolls a 9+1 so as this is basic training it should result in another +0 skill correct and wouldn't allow say Gun Combat to be select and increasing this to +1?
Survival Int 5+ rolled 10+1, commission of Social 8+2 and rolled a 6, advancement is Educ 7+ rolling a 7.
Promoted to Petty Officer 3rd class gaining Vacc Suit +1, the event rolled is a 12 displaying heroism in battle meaning an automatic pass on next commission check.
Advanced skill of Flyer/Airship 1
4th Term: remained in same career required a Survival check of Int 5+ rolled a 6+1 with commission automatically passed he becomes an Ensign gaining Melee/Blade 1.
advancement now Educ 7+ rolling a 6 so just leaves an event: diplomatic mission (8) chooses to gain a Contact.
Musters out at end of this term.

Aging: As he's now 34 rolled an 8 with 4 terms served that leaves it at +4 so no effect.

Benefits: Combined rank of 3 so 4 terms for +4 and +2 for 3 ranks means 6 rolls with one at +2
1) Benefit 3+2 for 5 and TAS Membership, 2) Cash and 3 (5kCr), 3) Benefit 2 and +1 Intelligence (now rated at A), 4) Benefit and 1 for one ship share, 5) Cash and 4 for 10kCR and 6) Cash and 4 agains for another 10kCr.


Ensign Kieran Carlisle, age 34
UPP: 766A67
Skills: Athletics/Endurance 1, Flyer/Airship 1, Gun Combat/Pistol 1, Gunner 0, Mechanic 1, Melee/Blade 1, Pilot/Small Craft 1, Profession 0, Survival 0 and Vacc Suit 1
Benefits: TAS Membership, 25kCr, 1 Ship Share (and +1 Intelligence)

Does this sound about right to you?

Please advise.
Pretty sure that getting Skill-0 does NOT allow you to bump an existing Skill-0 to Skill-1. Especially the Basic Training skills.

Otherwise looks like a great character and a cool Homeworld/Background to boot.

Don't forget to list his diplomatic Contact from Term 4.

Home world: Tritonius

System Details: Tritonius is a binary M class red star system.
Tritonius Alpha is larger but has only two gas giants orbiting it, whilst its partner Tritonius Beta orbits in such a way that it completely avoids Alpha's gas giants.
Like Alpha, Beta has a number of Gas Giants orbiting it in this case 6 with two asteroid belts separating the inner and outer system whilst the only inhabitable world lies closest to Beta but is rather cold considering where it orbits but has enough of an atmosphere that this otherwise asteroid with an attached spaceport has a thin but breathable atmosphere you still wouldn't want to stay out all night or all day for that matter given a week here is roughly 4 days elsewhere.

Tritonius Alpha: 4 orbital points, 1 is 0.4AU is empty, 2 is 0.8AU and has a Large Gas Giant, 3 is 1.6AU and is also empty whilst the 4th is 3.2AU away from its star and holds a Medium Gas Gas Giant.

Tritonius Beta has 9 orbital points, 1 if 0.3AU and holds the only inhabitable world, 2 is 0.7AU holding a Large Gas Giant, 3 is 1.5AU holding a Medium Gas GIant, 4 is 3.1AU holding a Large Gas Giant, 5 is 6.3AU holds a s-type asteroid belt, 6 is 12.7AU and holds a Medium Gas Giant, 7 is 25.5AU and holds a s-type asteroid belt, 8 is 51.1AU and holds a Medium Gas Giant and 9 is 102.3AU away from its star and holds a Small Gas Giant.

Please let me know if there's another way to establish a system's contents other than Gurps Space or Traveller the New Era?

Any chance Traveller 2e might address this at some point?
Hopeless said:
Please let me know if there's another way to establish a system's contents other than Gurps Space or Traveller the New Era?

Any chance Traveller 2e might address this at some point?
I use a little bit of Traveller 5 and SPI's Universe and the Scout book for world stuff.
ShawnDriscoll said:
Hopeless said:
Please let me know if there's another way to establish a system's contents other than Gurps Space or Traveller the New Era?

Any chance Traveller 2e might address this at some point?
I use a little bit of Traveller 5 and SPI's Universe and the Scout book for world stuff.

Did you handle any of this in one of your you tube videos?