Drakkarim Lore

Paido said:
Paido said:
[...] about the other free worlds [...]
Darn it, did I really write that? Avaunt with thee, "free"! As Eternalknight said, all the other worlds have been conquered already ... :oops:


Actually, I though half of the worlds of Aon had fallen to evil and half were under the control of good, with Magnamund being the last world not under the control of either side, and thus the final battleground between good and evil.

I guess you could consider the worlds controlled by good as having been conquered by good. Sounds funny when you put it like that though. I would say the "good" worlds are free.
Err, well ... probably wasn't the best choice of words ... "are under control by one side" would have been better (if longer).

Not sure whether calling the "good" worlds "free" would be entirely correct, though, what with free will and all that ... those living on a "good" world don't have the free choice to be evil, do they? (Maybe a truly "free" world would rather be in an uncontested balance between good and evil. But that's a state that no world of Aon will ever have, considering that the gods are fighting over them all.)

So from a purely neutral (as in "cosmical allegiance to balance") point of view, yes, the "good" worlds have been conquered as well ... :wink:

All right, I'll buy that. After all I wouldn't want some goody-goody bossing me around forcing me to give my jade Nobles to the poor and do volunteer work at the local temple of Ishir any more than I'd like being under the iron heel of Naar.

BTW, couldn't find any good Sado quotes for my sig (guess he didn't really have anything clever to say). I still love the name though.
The Drakkarim, directly from Mr. Dever, came from another world and intended to invade Magnamund in force. That plan ended (or rather, changed) as soon as they met in battle and were defeated by the Darklords.

Did they come on their own or did someone bring them here (Naar)? If they came on their own what kind of magic/magic-users do they have?
Sado of the Long Knife said:
This makes it sound like they did indeed come from some unknown land to the west, as Eternalknight suggested. I like this explanation myself, but it looks as if Mongoose is going in a different direction. The passage could also mean that they were first brought in by Naar in the western part of Magnamund, not that they came from a land to the west.

Yeah, I'm inclined to think that myself; if you look at the map, all the Drakkarim nations seemed to have been in the west (so presumably they didn't get too far before the Darklords put them in check).

It further appears the Darklords arrived in Magnamund in the North (Darklands) and sorta 'headed 'em off at the past'.
Sado of the Long Knife said:
Did they come on their own or did someone bring them here (Naar)? If they came on their own what kind of magic/magic-users do they have?
Well, as far as the Darklands text is concerned, Naar brought them here - at least he provided the gate. Maybe some snacks for the journey as well. :wink:

And about Drakkarim magic-users, a post of Reginald de Curry reminded me of the Ziran you meet in The Dungeons of Torgar, paragraph 252 ... Looks like a Drakkar spellcaster to me, though I'm of course not sure whether they brought them along when they came to Magnamund or got training by the Darklords' Nadziranim.
