JMT said:
I plan to run a dilgar war campaign and I would like to know if any of you already have run such a strory arc.
Some did have thoughts in that matter... some time ago. IIRC their idea was to ahve some pre-PC's work their way through the Dilgar and Minbari war to bring their players into the B5 BG for the Real campaign...
The starting point will be somewhere on an far earthforce post. The crew will have the contact with dilgar and them war machine. They should survived and report to earth. Then they can do several mission do asset dilgar potential. They will be on track of deathwalker and her powerfull bio weapons. After few mission, they are also there when earth enter the conflict. The end will be in seeing an unknown alien ship (windsword) allowing deathwalker escape and then dilgar sun will go nova.
Can't do that "mystery ship" - or the ship would have been identified later (as the Minbari weren't unknown among other aliens - the Centauri for example know how their ships look, and can be counted upon to sell that info). See below on Jha'Dur's escape...
It's just a draft. I would like comment on it.
Well... how can I resist... :lol:
I am also searching for info about this era and area. If you know or have any ressource, please post it here.
Vital - Agent's of Gaming's "The Dilgar Invasion" and "Showdowns-4. Hard to find nowadays (as AoG lost the license last year, and had to stop producing or selling their stuff), but you Can still find a few sold privately (e-bay) or hidden on the shelves of some distributors (or find someone near you who has them, and will allow you a peek, maybe even to copy a few vital pages...)
There you get a complete history of the Dilgar War, from their first "training exercises" against Raiders in the Rohric system over the initial invasion of Alacan territory, the battles against the Drazi, Abbai, Brakiri, etc., until the invasion of Markab space, which made the EA take a stand, and the following turning of the war as fresh EA fleets met the over-extended Dilgar navy and slowly drove them back, liberating blockaded worlds on theiur way, and finally defeating their main fleet at Balos.
And you get some short fiction pieces, giving you a little something to flesh out your RPG (the best of them Jha'Dur's life story - a must read for everyone who wants her featuring in his campaign as more then a face on a wanted poster)
And of course ships, ships, ships... and the official ones (since the stuff from "Into the Fire" never made it to release, while AoG's designs did, and with nifty CGI pix & miniatures to match!)
Exactly what you'd need to set up a campaign like that... having your players start in Earthforce, being assigned to a mission investigating the claims of a lone alacan refugee ship names "Pyrotina", who tell implausible horror stories of alien invaders crushing their young navy and conquering their planet...
...looking helplessly as they see the Dilgar steamroll everything in their path (except the Drazi, who stubbornly hold on and making them pay for every inch of space - paying themselves with mauled fleets and infected planets) while Earth politicos debate the matter and try to stay clear of this war...
...then as the Dilgar get closer and closer to EA territory you can have a mounting tension, until finally it is decided to draw a line and make a stand when the Dilgar invade the neighboring Markab...
...and then the big battles, launching with obsolete Tiger fighters from Hyperion cruisers (and hoping to get assigned the new Nova starfury soon) against Dilgar Thorun dartfighters, dodging the fire of Dilgar Ochlavita Destroyers, flying escort for Artemis Frigates and trying to bring down the Dilgar Targath Strike Cruisers...
...pursuing the retreating Dilgar fleets to make sure they won't get away to do it again, liberating the blocked-up worlds of Brakos, Shri-Shraba and Abba, adding those Brakiri, Hyach and Abbai ships to the allied fleet...
...and the taking of worlds like Mitoc, Alaca or Tirolus, where the Dilgar left behind the too few survivors of their reign, having your players encounter atrocities that would have made Dr.Mengele throw his lunch...
...until the final defeat of the Dilgar at Omelos, where Jha'Dur's night-black Mishakur dreadnought was finally brought in, yet found empty of the infamous warmaster, who had left for parts unknown under mysterious circumstances some week earlier...
How's that sound? :wink:
nice site with good links
...but loads of fan-hallocination bullshit too. Take with great, Great, GREAT care!
Or do like I do - stick with "WB officially sanctioned" stuff like the superb B5W supplements by AoG, and the at least mostly decent stuff in the "The Babylon Project" RPG (though those have to be taken with care again, as they were made without much "continuity checking" like the first few novels, and contradict canon material from time to time)
Or the novels, though none of them mention the Dilgar war... (at least none of those yet written, who knows, there is yet enough BG in B5 to make a dozend and more books out of it!)