Detecting a Minefield


Emperor Mongoose
In the Traveller Companion on pg 162 under "Detecting and Evading Minefields"

"Detecting a minefield requires an Average (8+) Electronics (sensors) check, increasing to Difficult (10+) if the field is located within a gas giant’s upper atmosphere. This check indicates the presence of something that looks like a minefield but does not pinpoint the position of any given mine."

Is this active sensors or passive sensors?
Yes. Or Maybe.
While the argument can be made that active sensors could be more easily detected by mines, and so you SHOULD use passive sensors after detecting a cloud of mines in the distance, the rolls to avoid said mines, once the field is detected, are completely in the players' hands:
"Detecting each one early
enough to avoid attack requires an Average (8+)
Electronics (sensors) check, increased to Difficult
(10+) within a gas giant’s atmosphere."

This tells me that either the writer did not consider the difference, OR the Sensop has enough sense to use the correct mode, and will benefit from whatever sensor package the ship is equipped with regardless of the mode selected.
Well, for sensors it’s a huge pain to go multiple places to see what you have to calculate. That should be consolidated somewhere.
Sensors rules should be in the CRB, with expanded rules in HG and "alternative" rules in the Traveller Companion. I say should be, because this is not how it is currently. No Core rule should ever be in a JTAS Article or setting book.
Sensors rules should be in the CRB, with expanded rules in HG and "alternative" rules in the Traveller Companion. I say should be, because this is not how it is currently. No Core rule should ever be in a JTAS Article or setting book.
My thought exactly. Core mechanics need to be gathered in one place, not split up.