Beta critique: Element: travele4.pdf: Missile Ambush


Emperor Mongoose
Missile Ambush:
Setting up a missile ambush requires a Difficult (10+) Gunner (capital) check (3D rounds, INT).
Failure reduces the number of missiles in the ambush by 25% per negative point of Effect. Failure by 4 or more results in a scattered salvo that never reaches its intended position.

Success imposes DM-2 on all point defence and other attempts at defence for every point of Effect and also to Electronics (sensors) checks to detect the ambush early enough to respond. The Effect is also applied as a positive DM to the missiles’ attack roll.

A good gunner would roll something like:
2D +6[skill] +1[command centre] = 2D + 7 for an average effect of 4 and only fail on a roll of 2.

An average effect would decrease the effectiveness of PD by DM -8, totally negating laser turrets and only leaving high-tech type III PD batteries minimally effective.

A good sensor operator with a good sensor would roll something like:
2D +6[skill] +6[sensor] +1[command centre] -8[average ambush] = 2D + 5 and only fail on a roll of 2 to detect the ambush.

Missile ambush is way too effective against PD!
Missile ambush is way too easy to detect!
I'm wondering if its a raw gunner roll without targeting computers,ect.

Given an average combatant has a single stat at 8 with skill 1 and an experienced combatant has a single stat at 9 ( Second stat at 8) with a skill of 2.
I'm assuming a skilled professional with enhancements:

+2 skill
+1 characteristic (say 10)
+1 skill enhancement
+1 characteristic enhancement
+1 access to expert software
+6 total task DM

We are not talking about an average player, but a crew-member handling many billions worth of warship. The enhancement costs are peanuts in comparison.
Those are values used for the average gunner / experienced gunners in MB MGT 2ed, for Capital scale its strictly the gunnery skill with 2 being average.
baithammer said:
Those are values used for the average gunner / experienced gunners in MB MGT 2ed, for Capital scale its strictly the gunnery skill with 2 being average.
The Capital system does not do insignificant details such as individual skill. Any other factors are built into the system.

Edit: Missed negation...
Are the attacks opposed rolls? If so, I'd ignore skill adjustments. True, you're not going to put an ensign fresh from the academy in charge of a spinal weapon. But any target worthy of shooting with a spinal weapon is worth defending with equally skilled crew.

Skill adjustments only matter if there's a significant imbalance in the number of plusses an attacker can use compared to plusses the target can use. That's true in unopposed rolls, and also when a warship ends up in a system with no worthy targets, and ends up shooting birds with bazookas just to be mean.