CyberNet 2087 Campaign Setting Soundtrack ??

Is anyone interested in a follow-up soundtrack for CyberNet?

  • Yes - Definitely!

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  • No!

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  • Maybe - if I hear good things about it!

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  • Maybe - if the price is right!

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Is anyone interested in a follow-up soundtrack for CyberNet?

We're in the process of getting ready to manufacture the CyberNet 2087 Campaign Setting Soundtrack which will feature 17 tracks coming in just under 80 minutes long chock full of ambience, electronica, dance, techno, and more! The 17 tracks include: 9 new songs by Stratos, 1 new song & 2 remixes of previous CyberNet songs by Capt. Futura (my M.I. teammate and producer!), another original and 4 remixes from talents and prostegious artists from around the globe... Hajas, Tristraum, Chinese Theatre, and Theta Frequency.

We need to know how many CDs to make since interest was lower than expected on the first CyberNet Official Roleplaying Soundtrack.

Sad to learn that the first one didn't went as well as expected.
A shame, really, because it is a great album.
Perhaps there was not so many sales of the Cybernet RPG as well ?
I must admit that I use it with mostly with Feng Shui, Ex Machina and GURPS Modern : it works great.
Count me in for the next album ; it sounds amazing !
Redlaco has a good point the OGL games havn't exactly ignited the sales shelves.

Maybe you should expanded out further and aim at the Dark Future settings as a whole, rather than just cybernet..

Problem is that quite a lot of the OGL games need a lot of work to bring them up to the standards of the industry rivals (ie Horror has a lot of great potential and ideas to work with, and is much more a tool to designing your own horror system than a RPG in its own right).
I will say no because I would prefer a more orchestral sort of fantasy soundtrack. Cyberpunk ones are a very narrow field.

Though I guess if you do a fantasy one you have to compete against movie soundtracks and so on. I dont know what the sales of the Midnight Syndicate Dungeons And Dragons soundtrack were, but I bought one, and liked it (except the tracks were too short).
Its something that doesnt HAVE to be played only for RPGs, its nice background music. Though maybe thats a personal taste thing, im not into techno/futuristic sounding sort of things usually :)

Anyway, thats my two cents, id say no to more cyberpunk, but would love to hear something more "epic" and fantasy based :)
Wonderful comments guys - thanks for the input, support, and keeping it real. I agree with most/all sentiments included here so far.

I love Midnight Syndicate's D&D (and their other 5) CD - excellent stuff.

It is our intention to release the WARS:RPG as a more symphonic album although it'll have it's fair share of techno and sci-fi beats as well as world music.

We've release 3 songs for Mutants & Masterminds - Superlink over at - 2 of which are purely symphonic and the 3rd is a blend of electronica and horns.

As for the future of our next cyberpunk CD... I've made the official decision to call it... 2087 Campaign Setting Soundtrack with a sub heading of "Music for your cyberpunk / modern / sci-fi gaming" and drop any official and formal ties to OGL CyberNet. Thoughts?
Broadening the scope with "Music for your cyberpunk / modern / sci-fi gaming" is the way to go as it will be easier to find for many players of other games.

hassanisabbah expressed very well the real problem of the OGL line. They somehow lacks character and flavour and requires much adaptation to get the right feel for your setting. The only OGL project in which I'm interested right now is the adaptation of the Journey West (Monkey) to OGL Ancients, although it's been a while we had any news from mmatheson... Hope everything is coming together well.

Also, Spawn have a good idea: why don't you try an orchestral classical romp aimed toward the fantasy crowd. After all, there's so much more fantasy players out there... But I guess this style is not up your alley, mmmh ?

Whatever you produce, keep us posted her and I'll buy one of your pie.
redlaco said:
Also, Spawn have a good idea: why don't you try an orchestral classical romp aimed toward the fantasy crowd. After all, there's so much more fantasy players out there... But I guess this style is not up your alley, mmmh ?

Whatever you produce, keep us posted her and I'll buy one of your pie.

Fantasy is doable. Initially my thought/concern and avoidance of the genre is the fact that you can either already own/use the D&D Soundtrack by MS or just about any film score will perfectly fit as well (especially LOTR and Harry Potter - IMO). So - with all that already available and on a larger scale it just seemed redundant and intimidating. But it's still doable. In fact I'm in contract to do a soundtrack for Louis J. Porter / Devil's Workshop's NeoExodus: A House Divided which is a fantasy game... but we're still in early game development and a few months off from music composition.

- Stratos
baileyrecords said:
I love Midnight Syndicate's D&D (and their other 5) CD - excellent stuff.

As for the future of our next cyberpunk CD... I've made the official decision to call it... 2087 Campaign Setting Soundtrack with a sub heading of "Music for your cyberpunk / modern / sci-fi gaming" and drop any official and formal ties to OGL CyberNet. Thoughts?

I really enjoyed the D&D soundtrack they did, I do have Vampyre by them also, but im just not into that kind of morose, "creepy" music for listening to. It would be great for playing while RPGing though.

I think the name change might help, it gives it a broader appeal when you label it sci-fi and cyberpunk. Its a shame that OGL CyberNet didnt take off, I think that probbaly didnt help the sales. Anyway, good luck with it :)

I only suggested fantasy because, as redlaco says, the market is just WAY bigger. I dont even know of one mainstream cyberpunk game, maybe Shadowrun, but thats it. Whereas theres about 800 mainstream fantasy ones :) I think your Cybernet cd would have sold really well when Battletech and Shadowrun were doing really well.
the 2087 Campaign Setting Soundtrack and it's corresponding website will release in late July and be fully available by GenCon - Indy in mid-August.

Thanks guys for your support! Look for more announcements and updates after Origins!

- Stratos
Frukathka said:
Your Universe 87 likn doesn'tr seem to do much more than lead to a site that has one word on it - 'test'

That's because it's late-June and not late-July! :)

But thanks for the "hit" :)

With 12 votes in... I have some new questions for the few "yes men"...

How would you feel if the 2087 Campaign Setting Soundtrack was only available via individual song download on

What price point would pursuade you to buy all/most of the 17 songs from the album? Do you even like downloads?

If I put printable CD artwork up at for free, would that pursuade you further to buy the album/songs as downloads?


- Bryan
Yup! I'd buy it! And I'd love print-outs! As far as costs go, I honestly don't know shit. Be fair, I'll trust your judgement.

When all that is said, I still prefer regular cd's. But I will buy it either way.
I agree with Sonny, I would prefer a CD format.
Although if it comes cheaper as a download, I might as well go that way...
redlaco said:
I agree with Sonny, I would prefer a CD format.
Although if it comes cheaper as a download, I might as well go that way...

Most likely it'll only be available as a download... anyone familar with torrent files?
Hey everyone. Please head over to for a small glimpse of things to come from the re-worked Universe87 Campaign Setting (fluff compatible with OGL CyberNet and any other Modern/Sci-Fi game set in an alternate-Earth future).

The new music (downloadable album with artwork) and the website (fluff piece) should be up by GenCon-Indy 2005!
MongooseStratos said:
Is anyone interested in a follow-up soundtrack for CyberNet?

Hey guys... Stratos of Bailey Records here (under my new username)...

First off, I'm shutting the poll down. Enough people chimed in to convince me that "yes" more music is wanted... so, without further ado...

The Universe87 Campaign Setting Soundtrack is finally available (although only via download from

It's 17 tracks logging in at nearly 79 minutes so buy an 80-minute CD and features printable full-color artwork by Jason Seabaugh & Todd Zircher.

I personally have written 8 new songs that tie in with themes and styles from the previous OGL CyberNet Soundtrack. In addition, I've combed the globe and got some of the best remixers around to re-work material from the CyberNet Soundtrack and really make them all shiney (to borrow a phrase). One such remixer is my pal Capt. Futura who not only remixed two songs but contributed an original titled "Pattern Recognitions".

About the download format... I wanted to keep it as high-quality as possible. In order to do so I broke the album in half and made it two $5.00 files to purchase and download at your leisure. Buy #1 and you get mostly my originals and remixes by Capt. Futura. Buy #2 and you get mainly CyberNet Soundtrack remixes with a few originals for good measure. Buy them both and burn them to a CD like you're suppose to and you'll have a nearly-80-minute instrumental utopia for playing those cyberpunk / modern / sci-fi campaigns!

And best of all... if you like "cut tracks" and "bonus material" we've got that too. Over the course of the next couple months (and we'll remind you here), we'll be releasing alternate mixes, "lost" songs, and stuff that honestly just did not fit on our full-length album.

So, clear off your iPod or bu a couple 80-minutes CDRs because the Universe87 Campaign Setting Soundtrack is here!