Critical Hits & Fumbles


Found this awesome d100 table for d20/OGL critical hits by weapon type (includes body part locations and other fun stuff) and a second table for fumbles.

An alternate version is here:

I'm going to use the first table in tonight's game! :twisted:
Heh, I still have my old "2.5"-ed "Player's Option: Combat and Tactics" book. It's a great critical hit chart, IMHO.
That is sweet, could of used it last night as there were a few fumbles. Are you just disregarding the normal crit damage and deferring to that?
tagnetti said:
That is sweet, could of used it last night as there were a few fumbles. Are you just disregarding the normal crit damage and deferring to that?

Yes, because there is a chance to do normal crit damage or better with it.
Used the tables tonight. I like them a lot! :twisted:

Only 1 Fumble rolled (I give a Reflex DC 15 save to negate a Fumble); resulted in guy hitting himself (3 hp after DR).

Critical Hit Results:
1 normal crit as core rules
2 crits at +1 multiplier (x2 becomes x3)
1 auto-decapitation (instant death)

PCs took only 1 crit (+1 multiplier). Bad guys took the rest including Fumble.
Hey, Did you pick up the Isgns and Portents #6? It has a sweet description of gladiator combat. Maybe you can upgrade and add blades to the side that chop heads. What movie was that?? Darn
tagnetti said:
Hey, Did you pick up the Isgns and Portents #6? It has a sweet description of gladiator combat. Maybe you can upgrade and add blades to the side that chop heads. What movie was that?? Darn

I have S&P #6 (only issue I own, strictly for the exclusive Conan content).

Were you thinking of victims buried up to their necks in the arena sands only to get them mowed off by a spinning headchopper machine in Penthouse's CALIGULA with Malcolm Mcdowell and Peter O'Toole? Man, that was a great sleazebag movie! I saw it as a double feature with GOR, the Italian big screen adaptation of John Norman's S&M sci-fantasy book series. Ah, guilty pleasures. :oops: