[Conan] Playing Online


Has anyone tried to play Conan online using a Virtual Tabletop? I would like to start a campaign with some friends who no longer live close enough to get together for sessions so we are looking to play online. I've checked out a number of different programs, but I haven't found the right one. Does anyone have any experience that can relate?
I ran about 10 sessions with one of my group via skype w/ webcam after he moved... Put the laptop with his mug on it up at one end of the table, and it worked just fine. Another camera was pointed at the table for maps, doodles, and such.

Video is kind of essential for me, as I can gesture, act, better tell a story, AND better judge how much fun each party member is having during various times.

Basically nothing changed, except he no longer drank all of my beer. :lol:
Tabletop? I would like to start a campaign with some friends who no longer live close enough to get together for sessions so we are looking to play online. I've checked out a number of different programs,
Google Hangouts is a great way to game with online friends. You can have up to 10 people in a single hangout, & there's even an app called Tabletop Forge that adds several RPG tools to the hangout, including mapping tools and a dice roller. As someone who has been running online games for almost a decade, Hangouts + Tabletop Forge is my favorite way to play roleplaying games online.

All you need is a Google Plus account, add Tabletop Forge, & then find your players! Google Plus is also a great way to find new gamers. I currently have more than 1300 people my RPG Circle.

Here's a link to Tabletop Forge: http://tabletopforge.com/
Have you heard about http://www.roll20.net ? I have/currently play some Pathfinder games on it and it's a pretty good virtual tabletop. Unfortunately I haven't seen any Conan RPG on there, I posted on the forums to gauge interest and have only received one response thus far (although it was positive). I'd love to see you guys get on there, if you started a game I'd be in. If I weren't DM'ing two table games already I'd have a crack at this. Cheers!