Conan Miniatures

Sir Hackalot

I was wondering since you have miniatures for Starship Troopers and Judge Dredd will you be releasing any miniatures specifically for Conan?
Sir Hackalot said:
I was wondering since you have miniatures for Starship Troopers and Judge Dredd will you be releasing any miniatures specifically for Conan?

I'm no miniatures expert, but aren't all the CONAN archetypes already available? Viking barbarians, medieval soldiers, Egyptian sorcerers, Afro warriors...
SST & Judge Dredd are maybe more unique.
So the market for exclusive CONAN miniatures could be too risky.
There was talk on this site that Mongoose was going to produce some Conan miniatures but nothing ever came of it. I'm surprised. Like Sir said with the success Mongoose has had with miniatures I would think they would try to capitalize on the Conan license and broaden the line. Even if other miniatures cover all the archetypes there something to be said for official product to complement the RPG or perhaps branch into a miniatures Conan skirmish game! 8)
I for one, would love to see Mongoose produce Conan miniatures, but I am guessing that licensing would be the major obstacle. McFarlane is already producing figures for Conan (sure, they are big), so I'm sure they have something to say. In the end, it would be up to whoever it is that own "Conan" and how viable they feel a miniatures line would be. And the way things go in the gaming industry, it might not be Mongoose that gets the license. Imagine for 1 second, pre-painted Conan minis ala D-n-D minis ? <shudder>