Conan and Cthulhu

Raven Blackwell said:
Well, the Crimson Tome is complete. I've sent to everyone on my mailing list. Should anyone else want it in the future, please send me a personal message with an e-mail to send it to.


Personal Message on the way.
Sven said:
Raven Blackwell said:
Well, the Crimson Tome is complete. I've sent to everyone on my mailing list. Should anyone else want it in the future, please send me a personal message with an e-mail to send it to.


Personal Message on the way.
And recieved. Thank you.

Looks good. When do you do the Mi-Go?

I have used them in a Conan-Adventure myself (look at one of my posts earlier in this topic), and it worked quite well. (I have no D20 traits for them because there I used Runequest/Chaosium rules).
As this touches onto the Cthulhu Mythos to some degree I am cross posting this monster here from the Darh Horse Conan Sourcebook thread.

Enjoy the horror!

Worm of the Earth
[First Appearance- Conan #11]

[Degenerative Serpent Person; The God in the Bowl]

Large Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 8d8+16 [64 Hit Points]
Initiative: +10 [+4 Dex; +6 Reflex]
Speed: 20; Climb 20; Swim 20
Defense Value: 16 [-2 size; +4 Dexterity; +4 natural]
Damage Reducstion: 4 [scales]
Base Attack/Grapple: +6/+16 (1)
Attack: Tail Slam +9 (2) melee [1d8+4]
Full Attack: Tail Slam and Bite +9 melee/+6 melee finesse [1d8+4 and 1d4+2 plus poison]
Special Attacks: Constriction; Enhanced Terror; Improved Grab; Poison
Special Qualities: Low Light Vision; Scent
Saves: Fort +4; Ref +10; Will +5 (2)
Abilities: Str 19; Dex 18; Con 15; Int 6; Wis 12; Cha 15
Skills: Bluff +8; Climb +8; Diplomacy +6 (3); Hide +7 (4)(5); Intimidate +12 (3); Listen +11 (6); Move Silently +12 (4); Spot +9 (6) Survival +7; Swim +6
Feats: Alertness; Improved Grapple; No Honour; Stealthy; Track; Weapon Focus [Tail Slam]

Base Magic Attack: +5 [+2 natural; +3 Cha]
Base Power Points: 5 [+4 natural; +1 Wis]
Maximum Power Points: 10
Sorcery Styles Known: Hypnotism; Nature
Spells Known: dread serpent; entrance, hypnotic suggestion; peacock’s beauty; summon animal
Corruption: 10

Climate/Terrain: Any but Artic
Organization: Solitary to Warren (1000+)
Advancement: 9-12 HD [Huge] and/or as character class [usually Scholar or Barbarian]

(1) Includes Improved Grapple Feat
(2) Includes No Honour Feat.
(3) Includes synergy bonus
(4) Includes Stealthy Feat
(5) Includes size penalty
(6) Includes Alertness Feat

Constriction: A Worm of the Earth may inflict 2d6+6 points of damage [AP 6] with a successful Grapple check.

Enhanced Terror: A Worm of the Earth’s form is a combination of fell beauty and bestial horror. Those looking upon its unconcealed form suffer Terror of the Unknown with a -4 morale penalty.

Improved Grab: When a Worm of the Earth strikes an opponent with their Tail Slam attack the Worm may attempt to Grapple that opponent as a free action. This does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

Low Light Vision: A Worm of the Earth can see sixty feet in all lighting conditions save total darkness.

Poison: If a Worm of the Earth deamages an opponent with their Bite Attack they may choose to inject to following poison into their victim:

Fortitude Save: 18
Primary Damage: 1d6 Constitution
Secondary Damage: 1d6 Wisdom

Scent: By flicking it’s tongue and ‘scenting’ the air, a worm of the Earth is aware of the presence, but not the location of every creature within sixty feet. The range is halved if the creature is downwind of the Worm, doubled if it is upwind. A Worm of the Earth may Track others by scent alone.

Skills: Worms of the Earth possess a +8 racial bonus with Climb and Swim and may Take 10 on both checks even if under pressure or stressed.

Long ago, when man was but a rude beast, the children of Set- the serpent people- ruled the world uncontested. They were powerful and proud, having subjugated the creatures of the world to their yoke- even the crude ancestors of men were but slaves to them- chattel to build their tall monuments to Father Set or to die bloodily upon His foul black altars. The science of alchemy, the secrets of the stars, the might of sorcery- all these were their birthright and their inheritance from their Dark Father.

But some, no matter what hey have, want more. Certain factions, greedy for power and heedless of wisdom, searched for a patron that might teach them more than Father Set. They turned the Old Ones, beings so foul even Set repudiates them. Of these, the largest faction turned to Tsathoggua, a patron of the foulest arts of sorcery and depravity. His new followers secretly began to worship him, sacrificing to him instead of their Dark Father each moon.

When Set learned of this betrayal, His vengeance was swift. It was He who gave his children intelligence, humanoid form and speech. Thus He willed that those of his children who had turned His back on Him would lose these gifts. He then commanded his loyal children to destroy the now cursed children. Tsathoggua could not or would not protect his new followers. The renegade serpent that survived the purge of Set’s faithful were on their own.

Hidden in the deep corners of the world, these exiled serpent people began to feel the effects of Set’s curse. A slow degeneration began to fall over them. They first lost their legs, which fused into a single tail. Their minds then began to slip as well, beginning the long slow decline back down the evolutionary scale. Seeing the effect of this curse, the exiled serpent people attempted to cure their new condition with the arts of alchemy, but to no avail. As their arms began to wither and fade and their minds lose the ability to reason, they knew that they had not the time to seek their cure before they were nothing more than mere beasts. The decision was made to place the worst among them into hibernation via alchemical means while those who retained the most of their intellect would continue searching for a cure in the time remaining. Special sarcophagi were prepared to safely store these sleepers until their hoped for cure when they would be released from their sleep and be cured.

They hopes were never realized. Set’s curse overcame all of the remaining exiles completely, turning them into the mindless obedient first ‘Sons of Set’. Their sleeping brethren remained where they were interred in the dark and secret places of the world. Millennia placed as these being slept, and their once proud race slowly lost its dominance over the world, replaced by the simian upstarts that became humanity. Races, empires, even Ages rose and fell, cataclysms shook the Earth but still they slept.

Upon occasion those who sought out the secrets of the depth and the unclean lore of the past would stumble across the gold and jewel encrusted sarcophagi and thinking them containers of ancient treasure, open them in excited zeal. Such zeal turned to fear though as the slumbering form within stirred and revealed itself. For even in the sleep of hibernation, Set’s curse continued. Though slowed by the magics that preserved them the cure the former serpent people into truly animalistic beings, called Worms of the Erath by some. Though they possessed the vestigial humanoid head of their former state, their body was nothing more than a serpent with coils thick as think as a strong man’s arm. Of it’s former genius nothing was left save a cold malice for all life that still walked upon the world and a swift animal cunning that could mimic words and phrases to lure prey into its coils. Of their once proud magic that could break the wills of others and command the forces of life itself only the knowledge of a few basic spells was left to them. A single, burning desire was left to them- to hunt and kill as any other predator. They attacked individuals and small groups, and took to the shadows among large groups, picking off those who separated from the group one by one. They continued this behavior until killed or all other non-reptilian was slain, haunting the ruin they had awoken in- one more horror among the many of the Hyborian world.

Worms of the Earth sometimes form crude settlements in the dark corners of the world- little more than pits of filth and animal remains. They prefer to survive in or underneath unhallowed places, shunning all that is clean and bright. Though they normally simply murder intelligent species out of hunger and malice, occasionally one of these horrors will force itself onto a woman. If any child results from this union they are foul beyond nature- a personification of the degradation of man and beast . These offspring possess human intelligence and often become the ‘liaisons’- for lack of a better word- with those human desperate or foolish to deal with them. A few Worms retain the Summoning style of Sorcery and enter into pacts and worship with the lesser demons and beings that will have them….

Adventure Idea: Worm still revere certain artifacts from their once illustrious past. Though they retain no knowledge of what the objects’ true purpose was, its connection to their long past unfallen state gives these items a certain religious veneration. They party may unknowingly stumble across such an item, making them the target of the Worm’s wrath. If they discover the value of such an item to the Worms they might be able to bargain with the Worms for a service. The Worms however will twist this meaning of this ’service’ to serve their foul nature and will likely return to destroy the player characters at later time for the indignity of being forced to serving them…..
Yep! Great stuff, Raven! I especially like the creature write-ups and am pondering the possibilities to unleash them on my players ... (but being a whimp an' all, I want to give them at least a fighting chance ... yeah, I'm a pussy ...)
I have this thread book marked, but haven't made it all the way through yet. 21 pages is pretty extensive! That, and I keep forgetting to go back and finish reading it. :)
Hmmm I have the Crimson Tome - the collection of the Conan/Cthulhu stuff_somewhere_ in my files but I am having trouble finding it. Give me until the weekend to fish it out.....
Der Rote Baron said:
Yep! Great stuff, Raven! I especially like the creature write-ups and am pondering the possibilities to unleash them on my players ... (but being a whimp an' all, I want to give them at least a fighting chance ... yeah, I'm a pussy ...)

Well actually consider this- Conan often encountered horrors he couldn't comprehend much less defeat and he....ran away! B-) So a Shoggoth or Star Spawn can serve the same purpose- to teach your players that running away is a perfectly viable option in the Hyborian world. Anyone stupid enough to try to slug it out- well that's what Fate Points are for. To survive your own stupidity....
Raven Blackwell said:
Der Rote Baron said:
Yep! Great stuff, Raven! I especially like the creature write-ups and am pondering the possibilities to unleash them on my players ... (but being a whimp an' all, I want to give them at least a fighting chance ... yeah, I'm a pussy ...)

Well actually consider this- Conan often encountered horrors he couldn't comprehend much less defeat and he....<b>ran away<b>! B-) So a Shoggoth or Star Spawn can serve the same purpose- to teach your players that running away is a perfectly viable option in the Hyborian world. Anyone stupid enough to try to slug it out- well that's what Fate Points are for. To survive your own stupidity....
Which means, rules wise, that the idea of d20 CoC is a nice one: remove Attacks of Opportunity from the game, since escape IS a valid option! And it would also simply the game A LOT!
About the above is quite nice, but as I understand from Howard's tales, Gods in the Bowl are quite different from the Worms of the Earth, the degenerate serpent people. The former are referred to as gods, the latter as, well, degenerate. Why did you assimilate the twos?
rabindranath72 said:
About the above is quite nice, but as I understand from Howard's tales, Gods in the Bowl are quite different from the Worms of the Earth, the degenerate serpent people. The former are referred to as gods, the latter as, well, degenerate. Why did you assimilate the twos?

They are presented differently by Howard but they are seen at different times. Conan encounters the God in the Bowl in the Hyborian Age but it had been preserved from an even earlier age. Bran encounters the Worms of the Earth in the time period of our age slightly after the invasion of Britain by the Romans. Thus thousands of years of degeneration of cursed degeneration have passed between when the God in the Bowl is placed in hibernation to stave off its degeneration and Bran encountering the last festering remnants of the Yig/Set cursed race in Worms of the Earth. The curse on the serpent people who turned from worshiping Yig/Set is not in fact my invention but from the Call of Cthulhu main rule book. For this entry I combined all three concepts. If it doesn't work for you thematically, just use the stats and change the background. ;>
Just a note- to those I promised the write up of my entries here I apologize for the delay. Been an eventful month to say the least. I have sent the Crimson Tome (as I call it) to be edited and it should be done by the weekend. And I will note I have surprise for it- a new entry! I am finishing up an entry for the Mi-go which I should have ready soon...
Raven Blackwell said:
Just a note- to those I promised the write up of my entries here I apologize for the delay. Been an eventful month to say the least. I have sent the Crimson Tome (as I call it) to be edited and it should be done by the weekend. And I will note I have surprise for it- a new entry! I am finishing up an entry for the Mi-go which I should have ready soon...

Sounds great! Very excited to see it.
Merry Xmas. ;>

Mi-go, the Fungi from Yuggoth

“They were pinkish things about five feet long; with crustaceous bodies bearing vast pairs of dorsal fins or membranous wings and several sets of articulate limbs, and with a sort of convoluted ellipsoid, covered with multitudes of very short antenna, where a head would ordinarily be. . .. Sometimes [they] walked on all their legs and sometimes on the hindmost pair only”. —H.P. Lovecraft, The Whisperer in Darkness.

Mi-go are an extraterrestrial species that span across the galaxy or perhaps further. Their primary colony within Earth’s system is Yuggoth (or Pluto as it will be known in modern times) but have several interests involving the Earth. One is that Earth contains several rare ores that are highly useful to them. The Mi-go often establish hidden mines in remote mountains away from human settlements if possible. They will also stage incidents to give their location a reputation for being haunted or cursed to further discourage curious humans.

The second reason Mi-go have interests in Earth is their scientific curiosity. The Earth contains many new and fascinating things for them, not the least of which is the newly emerging race of man. Much of their studies involve simple observation from a distance or collecting data from human agents but they also capture human specimens as well. They are most keen to capture highly educated or exceptional specimens that can add to their store of knowledge. Mi-go have an interesting way of ‘storing’ such specimens. They surgically remove the brain while the human is alive and then store in a specially preserved metal canister that is capable of preserving it indefinitely, bestowing a sort of horrifying ‘immortality’ to the specimen. A brain in such a canister is placed into a dream like state but can be revived and questioned by the Mi-go. The Mi-go even create constructs that can be attached to the canister and controlled by the mind within. The now brainless body is then dissected completely for further study and then discarded.

Mi-go are masters of alchemy- or science as they see it. They can create inorganic and organic constructs capable of a wide degree of functions from defense to mining to harvesting minerals. Some of their organic constructs are capable of masquerading as human beings but not perfectly. If trying to create one to impersonate a specific person, they will need the skin of the actual person to do so. Mi-go also create many smaller devices of alien technology for their own use. Mi-go do however worship the fallen entities commonly known as the Old Ones and are capable of summoning their servitors. Mi-go also establish cults of the Old Ones among humans and use them as unwitting servants with human communities, posing as the gods’ messengers.

Mi-go are paranoid about remaining undetected by humanity. They do not fear humanity per se but recognize that their mining and harvesting operations would more difficult if humanity actively resisted them. They also want to deny humanity knowledge of their own alchemical process and technology. If any Mi-go devices are lost to humans they will work tirelessly to retrieve them. Mi-go however are not a violent species. People who stumble across their operations or find an artifact of their making will often first be contacted by agents of the Mi-go in order to recruit them. Should this fall they will try intimidate them into silence and failing that they will kidnap and ‘harvest’ them. In the face of hostile opponents they will resort to violence and attempt to kill all of their attackers as swiftly as possible through their agents, constructs and technology

Mi-go, the Fungi from Yuggoth

Medium Extraterrenne Plant and 4th Level Scholar

Hit Dice: 2d8 + 4d6 + 6 [32 hit points]
Initiative: +6 [+3 Reflex, +3 Dex]
Move: 20 feet; Fly 30 feet
DV: 13 [+2 Dex; +1 natural]
DR: 4 (chitin)
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+4
Attack: Claw +7 melee finesse [1d4; x2 critical] or Stinger +5 melee finesse [1d6 + poison; x2 critical]
Full Attack: 8 claws +7 melee finesse [1d4; x2 critical] and Stinger +5 melee finesse [1d6 + poison; x2 critical]
Special Attack: Poison, Terror
Special Qualities: Dark Vision, Extraterrenne, Plant, Radial, Silent Flight
Space/Reach: 5ft/5 ft
Saves: Fort +6; Ref +6; Will +6
Abilities: Str 11; Dex 16; Con 12; Int 15; Wis 14; Cha 15
Skills: Bluff +7, Climb +3, Craft (alchemy) +13, Craft (stone) +10, Diplomacy +8, Heal +10, Hide +11, Intimidate +9, Knowledge (arcane) +12, Knowledge (nature) +12, Knowledge (outsiders and the planes) +13, Move Silent +8, Perform (ritual) + 10, Profession (miner) +11, Sense Motive +9, Spot +6,
Feats: Craftsman, Jaded, Knowledgeable,
Climate/Terrain: Yuggoth and remote areas of the Hyborian world
Organization: 100+ (colony)
Advancement: By Scholar

Base Magical Attack: +4 (+2 natural, +2 Cha)
Schools Known: Hypnotism
Base Power Points: 7 (5 base, +2 Wis)
Maximum Power Points: 14
Spells known: Entrance, hypnotic suggestion, terrible fascination
Corruption: 8+

Dark Vision: The visual organs of the Mi-go are sensitive to wavelength of light and energy far beyond the small spectrum of light visible to terrestrial organisms. This ability allows them to perceive great distances in the conditions on Yuggoth or the Outer Dark but the denser atmosphere of Earth limits their perception but they are still considered to have dark vision for 90 feet.

Extarterrene: Mi-go are adapted to exist in severe conditions of the Outer Dark and as such so not need to breathe and are unaffected by vacuum. They cannot eat food from Earth and must import all their nutrition from Yuggoth. Mi-go suffer half damage from piercing and ballistic damage. If a Mi-go is slain in a terrestrial atmosphere teir body will dissolve within several minutes.

Plant: Mi-go are sentient fungus and as such are immune to critical hits and sneak attacks, mind affecting spells, poison, sleep effects, paralysis and cannot be stunned.

Poison: The stinger of a Mi-go has a weak poison that slows and weakens those stung by it. It has the following characteristics:
Fortitude DC: 12
Initial Damage: 1d2 Str
Secondary Damage: 1d2 Dex

Radial: Mi-go are considered to be facing in all directions and cannot be flanked. They are considered ‘looking’ in all directions as well.

Scent: Mi-go can sense the presence of all creatures with 120 feet but not their position. This doubled if the target is upwind or halved if they are downwind.

Silent Flight: Mi-go fly by utilizing internal electromotive organs that manipulate the ether. Their ‘wings’ are used only for steering purposes and make no sound while the Mi-go is flying. As such a Mi-go gains a +8 bonus to Move Silent when flying.

Terror: Mi-go produce Terror of the Unknown

Skills: The multiple arms of a Mi-go give them a +4 in Grapple checks.

Appearance: Mi-go do not resemble any form of terrestrial life. They have a insectile like body with three sections; a small, chambers chest , a long swollen abdomen and a radial ‘head’ that consist of a single orb with dozens of small fibrous tentacles extending from it. The chest of a Mi-go consists of 4 even spaced segments, each with two slender insectile legs ending in thin pincers. The abdomen ends in a slender whip like appendage with a small stinger which produces a weak poison. The tentacles of the head contain delicate nerve clusters that scent the air about them. These tentacles are capable of changing color and are the method by which Mi-go communicate with each other. They are capable of speech but have a harsh and buzzing that is unpleasant to the human ear.

Personality: Mi-go are not evil per se but they are alien in their nature. They lack emotions other than curiosity and see humans as little more than clever animals compared to them. They regard humans as a human scientist would regard laboratory animals. Capturing, experimenting, harvesting or even killing them in their pursuit of scientific knowledge is perfectly natural to them. Their human agents are often treated as pets and service animals. They are unfailingly polite and reserved at all times, even when vivisecting a still conscious human being to test racial pain tolerance.

Combat: Mi-go are not combat monsters and they know it. They are aware of their vulnerability to even the primitive weapons of Hyborian culture and value their lives quite well. They will attempt to negotiate with possibly hostile entities if given a chance. If not they will direct human agents to deal with it. If forced into combat they will attempt to retreat as soon as possible and summon help. They will use entrance or terrible fascination to disable their attackers in an attempt to flee. If human agents are unable to deal with the intruders then they will activate an constructs they have to assist (treat as animated objects of various sizes and obvious alien design) and don bio armor and electric guns to assist. (see below) A Mi-go bereft of weapons will entrance or fascinate a opponent and grapple a vulnerable target and then fly upward and drop them at a great distance or use hypnotic suggestion to turn an opponent against their enemies. They will also use their tail stinger to attempt to weaken opponents.

Advancement: The above statistics refer an average Mi-go at the minimum level of experience allowed to operate on a foreign world. To create a more advanced Mi-go add levels of Scholar. Mi-go rely more on ‘scientific’ alchemical product then straight sorcery compared to other species and will often choose Feats and additional skill points than new spells and schools of magic. What sorcery Mi-go use tends to be of the Hypnotism and Summoning school for than the other schools. Mi-go make great use of the various sorcerous craft skills to create and modify constructs and life forms.
New Alchemical Item

Mi-go Bio-armor

Mi-go bio-armor is a vat grown organic construct that is worn by Mi-go as a form of armor. These semi-luminous green fibers provide and additional 4 points of damage reduction for the Mi-go and 8 points of resistance against flame, lightning and cold damage. The luminous nature of the harness makes hiding nearly impossible at it details the lines of their body, giving a -8 penalty to Hide checks. Humans can use bi-armor as well but as the adhesive property of the armor is designed to adhere to the Mi-go’s chitin it will be difficult to remove. Doing so requires a DC 14 Strength check and causes 1d4 points of damage as skin and hair is removed.

Mi-go bio-armor must be maintained by storing it an organic solution found in all Mi-go facilities. Failure to do so causes it to lose 1 point of DR and 2 points of energy resistance each week. When these values reach 0 the armor falls apart into a pool of green slime.

Requirements: 12 ranks of Craft (alchemy), 12 ranks Knowledge (nature), several extraterrestrial plant extracts.
New Alchemical Item

Electric Gun

Electric guns are the personal side arm of Mi-go and are likely related to the Yithian lightning gun. These palm sized lumpy chunks of black metal are covered with silver -go wires. Mi-go fire these weapons by squeezing the rock to charge it and then release to fire a bolt of electricity at the target. These weapons will not work for other species and human science is not yet capable of retooling them for their own use.

In order to use a electric gun a Mi-go must make a ranged touch attack against it’s target. If successful the target takes 4d6 electrical damage and must make a DC 14 Fortitude saving throw or be stunned for 1d10 rounds. If this saving throw is botched the target suffers a heart attack and is reduced to -1 hit point immediately.

Requirements: It is beyond a human’s capacity to create a electric gun.
New Alchemical Item

Mist Projector

A mist projector is a device designed to project gaseous chemical weapons devised by the Mi-go. The most common gas used is a solution of liquid nitrogen delivered in aerosol form. Each use of the weapon creates a 10’ diameter cloud of freezing gas. Living beings and object vulnerable to cold take 2d10 cold damage each round while in the cloud (DC 14 Fortitude saving throw for half damage). Armor provides no resistance to this damage though natural DR can be applied against it. Each cloud lasts I minute but is too dense to be moved by winds or other air currents and cannot be dispersed or moved in that fashion. Other types of gas weapons such as an acid version or various poisons are certainly possible. A mist projector holds 20 doses and must be reloaded at a Mi-go facility.

Requirements: It is beyond a human’s capacity to create a mist projector.
New Spell

Contact Mi-go [Basic spell of the Summoning School]

Power Point Cost: 3
Components: V, M
Casting Time: One full round
Range: One mile per level of Scholar
Target: One Mi-go
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: None
Magic Attack Roll: DC 12

[This spell may be taken in lieu of demonic pact as the basic spell of the Summoning school]

This spell creates a hyper-spatial signal on the Mi-go’s biological frequency to alert them that some one wishes to gain their attention. The spell requires a cube of extraterrenne material created form the stones of Yuggoth that is granted only to trusted human agents. The cube is held in one hand while the caster chants an invocation three times. The signal pulse that is sends out will alert the nearest Mi-go in the area that someone wishes their attention. The spell does not compel the Mi-go to come but most will do so, thinking that their agent has something to report. Mi-go are paranoid about outsiders getting their hands of these black cubes and will go to great length to recover them. Due to the rarity of Mi-go this spell is likely only successful if cast near one of the mountain ranges near a Mi-go base.