The floodgates are opened!
msprange said:Halving of high skills applies to standard opposed skill tests - not to combat rolls (Weapon, Shield, Parry and Dodge tests).
bluejay said:Ah, here's a new question.
If an attacker fumbles on his opening roll, does this simply count as a fail on the opposed dodge/parry tables (if the defender decides to dodge)?
In a combat situation having a skill over 100%, bar dealing with any negatives the GM puts your way, is now pretty pointless!
Can you explain how Called Shots work? And how they would interact with a highly skilled opponent (say 140 vs 140)?Rurik said:Skills over 100 are still valuable because of the called shots. A skill of 140% can bypass armor every time (or use any of the other called shots....
Which is fine by me, the called shots are very potent.
I think I'm clear on what Matt means and it now becomes obvious that it was unfortunately written. But what was intended was _much_ betterMelkor said:Hey Matt, I'm still a bit unclear on one point - your clarification post states the following:
2. If the attack has been successful, a reaction may be declared -
Urox said:Can you explain how Called Shots work? And how they would interact with a highly skilled opponent (say 140 vs 140)?Rurik said:Skills over 100 are still valuable because of the called shots. A skill of 140% can bypass armor every time (or use any of the other called shots....
Which is fine by me, the called shots are very potent.