Classes for traders



Im starting a new B5-campaign where the players will be traders based at B5, but traveling around on various trading missions. The base classes in B5 don't work very well with this kind of a campaign, because I would need something like a trader, pilot or merchant class. I could use diplomat as a merchant with different class skills and tweaks in the feats or a modified officer as a pilot, but this seems a bit disappointing option.

I know that the "Merchants, Traders and Raiders" is coming out this month, but it isn't available in any shops yet. In the book description there is only a mention of a raider class, not trader or merchant. I also noticed that the 2nd edition will have a trader class, but it isn't out yet and I don't want to spend money on a new edition just to get a single character class.

So my question is: Is there any kind of a trader/merchant/pilot base or presstige class in any of the source books? Alternatively has anybody created such classes for themselves. The picking of class skills is pretty simple, but creating balanced/creative feats is a bit more challenging.

Thanks for any help!
In MTR, there is indeed rules to specialise the common classes into Traders, Merchants and so on.

Not so much a Prestige Class, more like an adjustment to an existing class.

Traders are a bit of everything, thy need to be able to influence people , intimidate at times and develo resources.

Typically a worker or a lurker can fit the role but a combination of classes will maximise the role.

One of my NPCs was a trader, a lurker/rogue telepath with a low P rating, but enough to give him an advantage in transaction, I think is by far one of the best combo but it has a risk... the PSI Corp. is always hunting rogue telepath.

M :twisted:
There's a Trader base class in B52E. Think of him as the Babylon 5 version of the bard- a little bit of tech, a little bit of combat, good social skills.
Mongoose Steele said:
In MTR, there is indeed rules to specialise the common classes into Traders, Merchants and so on.

Not so much a Prestige Class, more like an adjustment to an existing class.


I added the specialized Worker class skill sheets from MTR to my B5 page. Specifically the Cargo Runner, Free Trader and Merchant. Basically they are specializations of the basic Worker class skills and abilities.
