Before you start reading... yeah. It's massive. PurpleTurtle definately changed this class from being a complete disaster into something that is halfway descent. Hope you guys enjoy it! He developed the Gujen-ha Itto-ryu form of combat and helped send this project in the right direction. From there I was able to make it pretty good (I think). It took a LOT of work.
I also have a Rogue of Toran class but it isn't as near as good or as well-developed as this.
Alasi, who would like to see the Huanshan Monk, Kalte Shaman, KaiLord's Sharnazim, Vassagonian Mage and NAZ, and the Khea-Khan Warrior put together in a PDF...
Khea-Khan Warrior
Endurance Die: d10
Speed: 30 feet
Starting Gold: (10d20) +50
Skill Points 1st level: (3 + Int mod) x4
Additional levels: 3 + Int mod
Class Skills: Athletics, Bluff, Craft (Weaponsmithing), Craft (Bowmaking) Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge (history), Knowledge (nature), Knowledge (nobility and royalty), Knowledge (warfare), Perception, Ride, Sense Motive, Survival, Speak Language (Chainese), Speak Language (Southernath)
Class Features
Armor and Weapon Proficiency
The Khea-Khan Warrior is proficient in the longbow and one of the following: katana, kirusami, nunchaku, or daisho (katana and wakizashi). At level 1 the Khea-Khan warrior automatically gets a mastercrafted longbow. But when he becomes proficient in a melee weapon he must craft the item himself, it is not given to him. The Khea-Khan warrior is also proficient in light and medium armor.
Those of the Khea-Khan are especially known for their ability to forge weapons of great value. When a Khea-Khan gains this he further perfects his skill in the use of his Craft skills. The first time he gains this feature he may divide up +8 free skill points between his Craft: Weaponsmithing skill and his Craft: Bowmaking skill. The second time he gains this skill he may reduce the DC by 5 when using Craft: Weaponsmithing or Craft: Bowmaking. The third time he gains this ability he may halve the time it takes to craft without upping the DC due to penalties.
The warriors of the Khea-Khan are the ultimate when it comes to physically and mentally preparing their bodies for the worst. Each time the Khea-Khan warrior gains this ability he gains a +1 bonus to Fortitude, Reflex, or Will saves. The choice is up to the warrior.
Arts of the Khea-Khan
These are the fighting styles of the Khea-Khan. He may use this to gain a feat in Ziten-ha Kyujutsu (Longbow) or he may gain a feat in the use of one of the four melee forms of combat. The Khea-Khan warrior automatically gains a melee weapon to be proficient with when gaining this skill his first level (katana, kirusami, nunchaku, dual-wield katana-wakizashi). He will always be strongest with the selected weapon in that style even though he can start cross training in other weapon styles. Every level the Khea-Khan warrior gains an Art of the Khea-Khan (except the 1st level, he gains 2).
The Khea-Khan gains this skill 20 times (each level) and as such he may totally complete his training with the Ziten-ha Kyujutsu form as well as one of the other four. Some warriors however do not focus on only two forms and train in many (sometimes all) of the forms. However, only the first of the additional four forms allows you the Loyalty Bonus. This is your first melee school of fighting technique that you visit and as such is the most important.
Weapon Form
Longbow Ziten-ha Kyujutsu
Katana (two-handed) Gujen-ha Itto-ryu
Kirusami Ling-Sheng Su
Nunchaku Shissen Karihadi
Daisho (katana and wakizashi) Shinto-ryu Nitto-ryu
Vitality at Birth
The men and women of Chai live hard lives as the country of Bhanar is constantly waging war upon them. All characters that come from Chai can stay conscious and keep fighting down to -2 Endurance, where they are considered disabled. They are dying at -3 to -9 and die at -10 Endurance as normal.
With this ability the Khea-Khan warrior may sleep in armor and other unpleasant conditions and not suffer from fatigue. Conditions such as sleeping on a hard surface, or with bed bugs, which are uncomfortable but not dangerous will likewise not prevent him from a good nights sleep.
Back to the Wall
Khea-Khan warriors fight to the death, and with their approaching death they fight harder and with more vigor. With this ability the Khea-Khan warrior gets +2 on attack rolls and +2 on AC when he is at less than or equal to ¼ of his initial Endurance level.
Speak Language
One thing about the warriors of the Khea-Khan is that they are often sent as emissaries to other countries. Their warrior spirits tend to take them to other countries in search of adventure; few are content to stay within the boundaries of Chai unless there is war. Twice in his lifetime a Khea-Khan warrior learns two languages without expending the use of skill points. Each time he gains this class feature he may select a language to be proficient in.
The way of Jujitsu is a "soft-form" martial art. It is directly translated as the art of gentleness or adaptability. Its power is derived by understanding body mechanics and re-directing an attackers own energy against him.
Because Jujitsu techniques do not require a great deal of strength to perform, it is an ideal self defense form for smaller individuals. Jujitsuans (or students of Jujitsu) study techniques to defend against attackers using wrist and joint locks, throws and pressure point techniques.
Close Quarters Fighting
A warrior of Chai is taught to be versatile and flexible when using a melee weapon in combat. When he gains this ability he may enact a free action to shift his grip so he can attack opponents that are in adjacent locations. Normally such opponents may not be attacked.
Potency of Life
The Khea-Khan are strong bodied as well as strong willed. They tend to have an extremely high fortitude bonus. The Khea-Khan have an extreme resistance to poisons and such. As they progress in their training they only get better at resisting such bad affects to their health. A Khea-Khan warrior who has this skill gains a +4 to all Fortitude saves against disease or poison. The second time he gains this ability he gains an additional +1 to all Fortitude saves.
Final Breath
When the Khea-Khan warrior’s Endurance goes to -3 or less he one final attack at his Base Combat Skill +2 before succumbing to unconsciousness. The opponent has to be within reach. This attack does not affect the Khea-Khan’s Endurance.
Knowledge of the Brightest
The Khea-Khan Warriors are part of the highest social class in the Chai society. As such they often have access to the best schools of learning in the country. Many outsiders see the samurai-like Chai to be barbarians but in truth most are extremely intelligent. Each time a Khea-Khan gains this skill (it is gained three times) he gets to select an additional Knowledge, Craft, or Perform class skill. If the warrior so chooses instead of gaining another skill he may add a +2 bonus to one of his current skills (must be a Knowledge, Craft, or Perform skill). The Khea-Khan warrior gains this ability three times.
Arts of the Khea Khan
Ziten-ha Kyujutsu
The Khea Khan warriors have developed the art of combat archery into a powerful philosophical discipline, emphasizing one-ness between the archer, the arrow, and the target. This enables experienced Khea-Khan warriors to achieve almost supernatural feats of archery.
Zen Archery
Prerequisites: None
The warriors of the Khea-Khan are archers first and swordsmen second. From childhood there are taught the importance of archery and understanding the principles of using the longbow. When the Khea-Khan warrior gains this ability he or she may use their Wisdom modifier for attack rolls instead of their Intelligence modifier.
Rapid Shot
Prerequisites: Zen Archery
This ability allows the Ziten-ha bowman one extra attack per turn. However, all attacks take a -2 Combat Skill penalty.
Aimed Shot
Prerequisites: Rapid Shot
This attack is meant to spend more time making one, single shot, focusing on the warrior’s intended target with immense concentration. Aimed shot sacrifices all additional attacks save the Khea-Khan Warrior’s first attack. Each attack that is given up adds +3 Combat Skill to the single shot (e.g. if CS=20/15/10/5, then aimed shot is CS 29).
Bleeding Shot
Prerequisites: Rapid Shot
Bleeding Shot sacrifices all additional attacks save the Khea-Khan Warrior’s first attack just like Aimed Shot. No additional bonuses from sacrificing extra attacks are added to Combat Skill. Damage roll suffers -2 (total damage cannot be reduced to below 1). If the attack is successful the victim will suffer extreme blood loss (1 E.P. per round).
Prerequisites: Rapid Shot
This is an advanced form of Rapid Shot. This allows two additional attacks at the Khea-Khan’s Base Combat Skill. However all attacks still suffer the -2 to Combat Skill. This ability does not stack with Rapid Shot.
Vigilant Bowmanship
Prerequisites: Flurry
Khea-Khan warriors are trained to have the utmost accuracy and control in combat. Ranged combat is no exception. With this ability he can control the amount of damage that is inflicted upon an enemy when an attack is successful (up to ½ maximum damage).
Adjusting the Odds
Prerequisites: Vigilant Bowmanship
This ability allows to a Khea-Khan warrior to put away his bow and draw a melee weapon as a free action. However, he receives a -2 to all attack rolls the first round of combat he is fighting with a melee weapon.
Deadly Shot
Prerequisites: Bleeding Shot
This ability adds +2 to any odd number of damage rolls that a Khea-Khan warrior may have. For example if he has 2 attacks he will receive the +2 on the first attack only. If he has three attacks he receives it on the first and third attacks.
Prerequisites: Deadly Shot
In practice of being one with the bow, the arrow, and the target this is one of the most important abilities that a Khea-Khan warrior can possess. When using Blindshot a Khea-Khan can ignore any penalties for firing upon an enemy that’s invisible or in total darkness, or if the warrior is blinded.
Grievous Shot
Prerequisites: Deadly Shot
This is the ultimate of all Ziten-ha abilities (full round action). At the sacrifice of all additional attacks a Khea-Khan Warrior may make one single attack which deals x2 damage but decreases his chance to hit by -6. On top of this the victim of the attack must treat the blow as a Grievous Wound, making a Fortitude Save or else succumb to death immediately.
Gujen-ha Itto-ryu
The Gujen-ha Itto-ryu school of kenjutsu is based on the principle of decisive offence: the idea that a single accurate, devastating cut should be sufficient to end each encounter. It focuses on the development of extremely fast, accurate and powerful attacks. To enjoy the benefits of this school, the katana must be wielded in both hands (allowing a 1.5x strength damage bonus, and causing the katana to be treated as a large weapon when calculating disarm bonuses). When this school is first selected at level 1, it confers a +1 CS bonus whenever the katana is wielded in the Itto-Ryu style. Furthermore, due to the lightness of the katana when wielded with both hands, it can be treated as a finesse weapon when used in this fashion: Dex can be used in place of Str when calculating CS bonuses (but not damage).
Loyalty Bonus: +2 to all Intimidate checks while involved in combat.
Improved Initiative
Prerequisites: None
Gujen-ha Itto-ryu teaches that it is imperative to be able to act first in any encounter. The finely honed reactions of a warrior trained in this tradition allow a +4 initiative bonus.
Prerequisites: Improved Initiative
Through years of training, the Gujen-ha swordsman is able to unsheathe his weapon in a split second, possibly striking with it at the same time. This feat allows the swordsman to unsheathe his katana as a free action.
Prerequisites: Battojutsu
A Gujen-ha swordsman is finely tuned to the hostile intentions of others to the point where, if he is within reach of his katana, he can never be caught unarmed. When ambushed or attacked suddenly, the swordsman is able to unsheathe his weapon (but not move or attack) just prior to the first attack in the surprise round. This ability also applies to traps and other inanimate attacks. For example, it allows the swordsman to draw his blade just before he is caught in a net.
Power Attack
Prerequisites: None
Gujen-ha Itto-ryu swordsmen are able to perform devastating attacks at the expense of accuracy. Before making attack rolls for a round, the swordsman may choose to subtract a number from all melee attack rolls and add the same number to all melee damage rolls. This number may not exceed his base combat skill. The penalty on attacks and bonus on damage apply until his next turn.
Cleaving Blow
Prerequisites: Power Attack
Gujen-ha Itto-ryu allows its practitioners to move smoothly from target to target as each one is cut down in turn. Whenever a target is cut down by an attack, the swordsman receives a free attack against another target at the attack bonus of the attack that felled the original target. The swordsman can receive at most one such bonus attack per round.
Killing Blow
Prerequisites: Cleaving Blow
When the Gujen-ha swordsman sees a vital opening, he commits himself completely to his attack. Before making any attack in a regular combat round the swordsman can opt to make it a Killing Blow, a totally committed strike aimed at decisively ending the encounter. A Killing Blow gains a +5 bonus to damage if it hits but leaves the swordsman open to retaliation by his target if it survives the blow. If the target is not incapacitated by the Killing Blow, it can immediately make a free attack against the swordsman at its maximum attack bonus. The swordsman can apply Killing Blow for any of his attacks, including the additional attacks due to Cleaving Blows.
Vital Strike
Prerequisites: Killing Blow
This ability improves the Gujen-ha swordsman’s ability to deal extreme amounts of damage in short periods of time. His skill with the Katana is unmatched and his ability to find weak areas in an opponent’s defenses and armor is supernatural. With this ability the Katana’s critical threat range increases to 17-20.
Ki Strike
Prerequisites: Vital Strike
With this ability a Khea-Khan warrior is able to channel physical energy through the blade of the Katana, inflicting 1d4 (magical damage) + however much Endurance the swordsman chooses to expend to this ability. The resulting blow deals the magical damage on top of the Katana’s base damage.
Precision Strike
Prerequisites: Ki Strike
Gujen-ha swordsmen are trained to have the utmost accuracy and control in combat. With this ability he can control the amount of damage that is inflicted upon an enemy when an attack is successful (up to ½ maximum damage).
Prerequisites: Precision Strike
Whenever the Khea-Khan Warrior suffers a melee blow that deals more than 10% of his initial Endurance level he may respond with a counterattack at ½ of his Base Combat Skill rounded down.
Ling-Sheng Su
The Kirusami is a halberd which many Khea-Khan warriors choose to wield instead of the Katana. The Kirusami is made of a wood which makes it flexible and durable in combat. The Ling-Sheng Su form of combat focuses on both defensive and accurate attacks and is the preferred form of those Chainese who take up the position as mounted warriors or guards.
Loyalty Bonus: An additional +2 to damage rolls when mounted.
Prerequisites: None
When the Khea-Khan warrior gains this ability he becomes very aware of his surroundings and is seldom taken off guard by an enemy. He gains +2 to all Perception and Sense Motive checks. Also, he is never considered flat-footed at the beginning of a combat.
Armor Penetration
Prerequisites: None
If an opponent is wearing armor with a +2 AC bonus or higher the warrior of the Ling-Sheng Su school may make a blow which ignores ½ of AC due to armor. So if an opponent has an AC of 16 (10 + 4 Dex + 2 Armor) his AC will be lowered to 15 for the duration of this attack.
Stunning Blow
Prerequisites: Armor Penetration
When a Khea-Khan Warrior uses this attack and lands a successful blow that deals at least 1 damage he has a 10% chance of stunning the enemy for one round.
Prerequisites: Stunning Blow
When a Khea-Khan warrior uses this attack on an enemy he gains +5 to damage if the blow is successful. However, the enemy gets to make a counterattack at his Base Combat Skill.
Painful Strike
Prerequisites: Lunge
It is the job of a Khea-Khan warrior to know all of his enemy’s weaknesses and flaws in combat. With this ability the Khea-Khan warrior can make an attack that (if successful) forces the enemy to make a DC 10 Fortitude Check or be overcome with pain for two rounds. This causes a -2 circumstantial to attack rolls, skill checks, saves, and damage rolls.
Reckless Abandon
Prerequisites: Painful Strike
The Khea-Khan Warrior with this ability may choose to take –X to their AC at the beginning of his action to give +X to his melee damage for the round. X cannot be greater than the warrior’s Base Combat Skill.
Blocking Mastery
Prerequisites: Reckless Abandon
When the Khea-Khan warrior is fighting defensively or is performing a full defense and is unsuccessfully attacked by an opponent he may (as a free action) attempt to move another within 5 feet into the path of the first opponent’s attack. If he does so, the second opponent is automatically hit. In order to do this he must make a Reflex save with a DC equal to the AC of the second opponent.
Mobile Defense
Prerequisites: Reckless Abandon
While fighting defensively a warrior spearman skilled in the way of the Ling-Sheng Su, he can take an additional 5 foot step during the round without any penalties nor losing the bonuses from fighting defensively.
Damage Reduction
Prerequisites: Reckless Abandon
Often in combat a Khea-Khan will be attempting to main or wound an opponent but not to the point of death. With this ability he can take away from his damage roll (maximum of three) for any of his attacks.
Avoid Critical Hit
Prerequisites: Damage Reduction
With this ability the Khea-Khan warrior has a chance to ignore a critical hit scored upon him. When a critical hit is scored on him he may make an Acrobatics check. If his roll is higher than the roll to determine the critical hit the attack is automatically considered a normal attack.
Shissen Karihadi
The way of the Nunchaku is fast and deadly in the hands of the Khea-Khan warrior. When he chooses this path of weapon training his focus in combat becomes the absolution of speed and velocity.
Loyalty Bonus: +1 to AC as a Dexterity bonus.
Dual-wield Nunchaku
Prerequisites: None
This is the first ability that the Khea-Khan of the Shissen Karihadi school learns in his quest to perfect the use of the Nunchaku. Though some prefer to use only one Nunchaku in combat most have the preference of fighting dual-wield. This ability gives the warrior one additional attack at his Base Combat Skill. However, all attacks suffer a -2 penalty to them.
Stunning Kick
Prerequisites: Dual-wield Nunchaku
At the expense of one of his regular melee attacks with his nunchaku, the Khea-Khan warrior can launch a surprise jump kick to the chin of his assailant (only works on creatures of medium or large size) which deals the regular, unarmed damage. If the attack is successful the victim has a 20% chance of being Dazed.
Prerequisites: Stunning Kick
This is one of the most useful abilities that the Khea-Khan of the Shissen Karihadi school learns in his quest to perfect the use of the Nunchaku. Though some prefer to use only one Nunchaku in combat most have the preference of fighting dual-wield. This ability negates the normal Combat Skill penalty for fighting with two weapons. With this ability he also gains one more additional attack at his Base Combat Skill.
Nunchaku Juggling
Prerequisites: Ambidexterity
The Khea-Khan can juggle his weapons of choice. He can draw, sheathe, or shift them from hand to hand as a free action. He can even pick them up from the ground as a free action, as long as he can kick at them. He can do this at the start and end of his turn, but not on somebody else's turn or in the middle of an attack sequence.
Flashy Attack
Prerequisites: Nunchaku Juggling
This ability can only be used affectively when the Khea-Khan dual-wields two Nunchaku at the same time. As a full round action, he can add his charisma modifier (in addition to all other modifiers) to all of his attack rolls. This bonus cannot stack with any others.
Whirlwind Assault
Prerequisites: Flashy Attack
In order to use this ability the Khea-Khan warrior must give up all of his attacks and instead make one melee attack at the full base attack bonus against each opponent within 5 feet of his current location. This is a full-round action.
Whirlwind Onslaught
Prerequisites: Whirlwind Assault
This is the advanced technique of Whirlwind Assault. It is virtually the same: the warrior gives up all of his attacks and instead makes one melee attack at the full base attack bonus against each opponent within 5 feet of his current location. Only now he may make an additional 5 foot step at any time during his round. This is a full-round action.
Prerequisites: Whirlwind Onslaught
With this ability the Khea-Khan warrior has become an expert at dodging blows and avoiding damage in combat. The Khea-Khan gains a +2 dodge bonus to his AC when not flat-footed.
Mastery of Deflection
Prerequisites: Quicksilver
When gaining this ability, the Khea-Khan may ignore the -4 penalty to attack normally associated with Fighting Defensively. This does not affect any other attacks you make while Fighting Defensively.
Spinning Defense
Prerequisites: Mastery of Deflection
His mastery of the dual-wield Nunchaku has developed into a dance-like fighting style that makes him difficult at best to flank him successfully. Not only can he never be flanked by anyone equal to or less than his class level he gains a +2 bonus to all Reflex saves while engaged in combat.
Shinto-ryu Nitto-Ryu
The Shinto-Ryu Nitto-Ryu or “the use of both the katana and wakizashi in tandem” is a technique favored by many of the warriors of Chai. It is very different from the Itto-Ryu in many ways. It focuses on the art of using two weapons, one for slashing and the other for stabbing while the Gujen-ha Itto-Ryu style of the katana focuses on strength and power with only one katana. The wakizashi is like the katana in appearance only it is much shorter in length, more useful for stabbing.
Loyalty Bonus: +1 bonus to all damage rolls when using the katana in the Nitto Ryu style of combat.
Wakizashi in Aptitude
Prerequisites: None
This is the first ability that the Khea-Khan of this school learns. He focuses on how to use the wakizashi in combat along side with the more common katana. With this ability mastered he becomes able to wield both weapons in combat. He gains an extra attack at his full base combat skill but still suffers a -2 penalty to all attacks.
Surveying Tactics
Prerequisites: Wakizashi in Aptitude
The Khea-Khan can use a standard action to "measure-up" an opponent’s defensive style. Once an opponent is "measured-up" he gains a +1 circumstance bonus to hit that opponent. This bonus stays in effect until that particular opponent gains a level, which makes this feat even more useful in a long running quarrel.
Stunning Counter
Prerequisites: Surveying Tactics
With this ability learned the Khea-Khan warrior may, at the expense of one of his attacks during his turn, increase his AC by 2 against one enemy’s attack that same round of combat. If the attack selected misses the Khea-Khan he may counterattack with his wakizashi (full base combat skill).
Double Sting
Prerequisites: Stunning Counter
The warriors of the Shinto-ryu Nitto-Ryu are experts with both of their selected blades. With this ability the Khea-Khan sacrifices all of his attacks and instead gets to make two attacks at his full base combat skill. Both attacks have an additional +1 to hit.
Prerequisites: Double Sting
Within the walls of the Shinto-ryu Nitto-Ryu schools toughness is the key to survival as well as progression. With this ability learned the Khea-Khan warrior receives a +1 bonus to all Fortitude saves within combat.
Wakizashi in Endowment
Prerequisites: Resilience
Once adept in this ability the Khea-Khan warrior receives his full Strength bonus to damage rolls with all of his primary and secondary attacks. Normally he would half his Strength bonus to his secondary attacks.
Deft Lunge
Prerequisites: Resilience
When the master of the Shinto-ryu Nitto-Ryu uses an attack action or full attack action in non-mounted melee combat, he may take as much as a -5 penalty to Armor Class to add the same number (up to +5) to a single attack roll in the same round. This number may not exceed his base attack bonus. The changes to AC last until the next round. This ability can stack with others.
Calm Vengeance
Prerequisites: Deft Lunge
Whenever an opponent wounds the Khea-Khan warrior with this ability in combat his next melee attack against that foe gets a +1 morale bonus to hit and damage. Once he receives this bonus to an attack, the foe must wound him again for him to gain the bonus again. If a foe wounds the warrior multiple times before he gets the opportunity to attack them, he still only gains the bonus once, and to a single attack.
Disarm Mastery
Prerequisites: Calm Vengeance
The Khea-Khan warrior with this ability gains a +4 bonus on the opposed attack roll he makes to disarm his opponent. This ability can be used at any time, and any number of times in any specified day or time.
The Nitto-Ryu Zealot
Prerequisites: Calm Vengeance
When this ability is gained the Khea-Khan warrior of the Shinto-ryu Nitto-Ryu school becomes the ultimate dual-weapon fighter. Firstly, this ability adds on to the Wakazashi in Endowment ability by negating all penalties to attack rolls due to wielding two weapons in combat. Secondly, the Khea-Khan warrior now deals 1d10 with the katana and 1d8 damage with the wakizashi.
The Khea-Khan warrior gains this ability at his 3rd class level. At his third level he chooses to start in any of the four sections of techniques. He gains the Tier I ability of whatever form he has chosen. The next time he gains this skill he gains the Tier II ability from his chosen form and the Tier I ability from his a second technique grouping. The third time he gets this skill he gains his Tier III ability in his elected form, Tier II in his second form, and he gains Tier 1 in a third form.
Synergy: When the Jujitsu warrior completes his first technique circle he now deals 1d4 bludgeoning damage instead of 1d3. When he completes two circles he begins to deal 1d6 bludgeoning damage when attack unarmed. When he gains his third circle he may deal 2d3 damage. With his final circle complete he now deals 1d8 bludgeoning damage during combat and receives a permanent +2 to his AC when fighting unarmed.
Atemi-Waza (striking techniques)
Tier I – “Lethal Blows” The Khea-Khan warrior gains one addition attack at his Base Combat Skill -1. If the warrior wants he may opt to deal lethal damage at no penalty whatsoever. He also ignores the regular -2 penalty to attack rolls due to secondary attacks once he reaches this level of offensive Jujitsu.
Tier II – “Critical Strike” The Khea-Khan Warrior now only needs a 19-20 in order to invoke a critical opportunity. When rolling after a critical hit the Khea-Khan Warrior gains a +2 bonus to his attack roll and damage roll.
Tier III – “Intense Spar” With this ability gained the Khea-Khan Warrior has the ability to sacrifice all of his attacks and make a full-round action which deals two unarmed kicks and/or strikes to every enemy within his reach. These blows deal the regular 1d3 damage and suffer a -2 penalty to all attack rolls. This attack may be used as many times as the Khea-Khan’s class level per day.
Nage-Waza (throwing techniques)
Tier I – “Knock Back” With this ability the Khea-Khan warrior sacrifices all of his regular attacks and makes one single attack which purpose is to push the enemy away from him. The Khea-Khan must apply his Strength mod to his attack roll when this technique is being used (he cannot use his Dexterity mod). If successful his opponent is knocked back 10 feet.
Tier II – “Stunning Blow” The Khea-Khan warrior can use this standard action as many times as he wishes in a given day. The Jujitsu learned strikes with his arm outstretched, catching his enemy full in the chest and bringing him to the ground (ineffective against creatures that are Fine, Diminutive, Tiny, Huge, Gargantuan, or Colossal opponents). The opponent is granted a Reflex or Fortitude save (his choice) at DC 10 + the Khea-Khan’s class level. If successful this attack deals regular damage and leaves the opponent stunned and prone for the following round.
Tier III – “Defensive Throw” When the Khea-Khan Warrior is attacked by an opponent (and is successfully hit) he may attempt to make a Defensive Throw. He makes a Reflex save at DC 20. If he is successful he may ignore all damage dealt by his opponent’s attack. The Khea-Khan warrior may then attempt to throw his enemy away from him. He may make a Dexterity or a Strength roll (whichever is higher, DC 20). For every size larger the opponent is than the Khea-Khan he must add 5 to the DC. For every size smaller the opponent is than the Khea-Khan he may subtract 5 from the DC. If the roll is successful the enemy is launched twenty feet from the Khea-Khan and receives 1d6 bludgeoning damage. This ability can be used only once a day times the Khea-Khan’s class level.
Kensetsu-Waza (joint manipulation)
Tier I – “Disarm Manoeuvre” The Jujitsu learner may add +5 to his opposing roll when attempting to disarm another opponent. To use this ability the Khea-Khan warrior must be unarmed himself.
Tier II – “Maim” When the Jujitsu fighter exercises this technique. This ability can only be used three times per day and when in affect the Khea-Khan may sacrifice all of his attacks in a round and damage his enemy’s ability scores. He makes two attacks (both at Full Base CS) and both must be successful in order for this attack to work properly. If one or both of the attack rolls are unsuccessful it still counts as one of his three attempts per day. The Khea-Khan may target his opponent’s arms (one strike to each elbow, deducts 1d3 Strength), his legs (a kick to each kneecap, deducts 1d3 Dexterity) or his head (one flat-handed strike to each side of the neck, deducts 1d3 Intelligence).
Tier III – “Wrist Lock” When the Khea-Khan warrior gains this ability he becomes an expert at the studying of an opponent’s moves. If the warrior is attacked (and avoids the blow) he may choose to attempt to place the enemy’s hand in a wrist-lock (must be humanoid) by making a Dexterity check. The DC is 15 + the enemy’s class level. If successful the enemy automatically receives an extra 1d4 damage and loses his Strength modifier to both attack and damage rolls for 1 full day. Also if this attack is successful the Khea-Khan warrior may attempt to disarm his opponent as a free action.
Shime-Waza (strangulation or choking techniques)
Tier I – “Neck Chop” This is a full round action in which the Khea-Khan warrior sacrifices all of his attacks to try and strike his opponent’s windpipe, paralyzing him for 1d2 rounds of combat. For every attack the Khea-Khan warrior sacrifices he gains +2 to his attack roll.
Tier II – “Choke Hold” This is a standard action attack in which the Jujitsu warrior must make a single attack at his Base Combat Skill in order to sneak past an enemy’s defenses and grapple him into a choke hold. Once the choke hold is gained the Khea-Khan must make a Fortitude check every round (DC is equal to 10 + opponent’s level) in order to uphold the choke hold. Each round the choke hold deals 1d3 damage and the victim suffers the effects of drowning. If the Khea-Khan is attacked he must release the victim.
Tier III – “Prone Strangle” In this attack the Khea-Khan warrior makes all the attacks he would in a normal round of combat and they deal the same damage. If his last attack is successful instead of dealing damage he knocks his opponent to the ground and attempts to strangle him. This is a more reliable technique as the Jujitsu warrior does not have to make Fortitude checks to maintain the hold. Each round the choke hold deals 1d3+1 (2d2) damage and the victim suffers the effects of drowning. As with “Choke Hold” if the Khea-Khan is attacked he must release the victim. If released it will take the opponent a full action instead of a standard action to stand up.
New Weaponry
Katana, 1d8 damage, critical 19-20/x2, 3lbs, slashing
Wakizashi, 1d6 damage, critical 19-20/x2, 2lbs, slashing/piercing
Kirusami, 1d8 damage, critical x3, 8lbs, piercing
Nunchaku, 1d6 damage, critical x2, 2lbs, bludgeoning
New Armor
Bamboo Waistcoat, +2 Armor bonus, +6 max Dex Bonus, no Armor Check Penalty, 30 feet, 10lbs
Bamboo Hauberk, 75gc, +3 Armor bonus, +7 max Dex Bonus, -1 Armor Check Penalty, 30 feet, 20lbs
Bamboo-mail Hauberk, 120gc, +4 Armor bonus, +5 max Dex bonus, -3 Armor Check Penalty, 30 feet, 25lbs
Chainese Scalemail, 150gc, +4 Armor bonus, +6 max Dex Bonus, -2 Armor Check Penalty, 30 feet, 30lbs
Chainese Plate, 300gc, +6 Armor bonus, +2 max Dex Bonus, -4 Armor Check Penalty, 30 feet, 35lbs
1st +1 2 0 0 Vitality at Birth, Art of the Khea Khan (2), Weapon-lore
2nd +2 3 0 0 Art of the Khea Khan, Back to the Wall
3rd +3 3 0 1 Art of the Khea Khan, Jujitsu
4th +4 4 1 1 Art of the Khea Khan, Close Quarters Fighting
5th +5 4 1 2 Art of the Khea Khan, Knowledge of the Brightest
6th +6/+1 5 2 2 Art of the Khea Khan, Speak Language, Jujitsu
7th +7/+2 5 2 3 Art of the Khea Khan, Potency of Life
8th +8/+3 6 3 3 Art of the Khea Khan, Conditioning
9th +9/+4 6 3 4 Art of the Khea Khan, Weapon-lore, Campaigner, Jujitsu
10th +10/+5 7 4 4 Art of the Khea Khan, Final Breath
11th +11/+6/+1 7 4 5 Art of the Khea Khan, Knowledge of the Brightest
12th +12/+7/+2 8 5 5 Art of the Khea Khan, Speak Language, Jujitsu
13th +13/+8/+3 8 5 6 Art of the Khea Khan, Weapon-lore
14th +14/+9/+4 9 6 6 Art of the Khea Khan, Potency of Life
15th +15/+10/+5 9 6 7 Art of the Khea Khan, Conditioning, Jujitsu
16th +16/+11/+6/+1 10 7 7 Art of the Khea Khan, Jujitsu
17th +17/+12/+7/+2 10 7 8 Art of the Khea Khan, Knowledge of the Brightest
18th +18/+13/+8/+3 11 8 8 Art of the Khea Khan, Weapon-lore
19th +19/+14/+9/+4 11 8 9 Art of the Khea Khan
20th +20/+15/+10/+5 12 9 9 Art of the Khea Khan, Conditioning