Character Gen / Weapons Sourcebooks for Other SF Settings !


Banded Mongoose
Dear Friends,

I am so thankful that Mongoose has revived Traveller with Classic as its basis, and the production of Judge Dredd, B5, Hammers' Slammers and 2000AD sourcebooks. I also applaud the efforts of our friends who have produced sourcebooks for the Star Trek setting.

I would like to ask if anyone has a cohesive sourcebook for the following other SF settings, and if not, if there is interest in perhaps collaborating in producing MGT/CT sourcebooks for:

1. Star Wars
2. Battlestar Galactica - Original / Re-Imagined
3. Dune
4. Aliens / Predator
5. Star Fleet Battles
6. Anderson-verse (UFO, Space 1999, Captain Scarlet)
7. Starship Troopers
8. Stargate
9. James Bond / Spycraft / Contemporary Espionage
10. Space Cruiser Yamato / Captain Harlock
11. Macross

One thing that could help facilitate this is if someone has a comprehensive set of guidelines on converting character skills / attributes and weapons effect and damage from GURPS (and if possible WEG d6, d20/OGL, James Bond RPG, FASA Trek) to Mongoose / Classic Traveller, so that we could just convert the existing GURPS et al sourcebooks. I've pretty much mined the 'net for conversion formulae, but they are not complete.

I'd really love to help support MGT/CT bolster Traveller's status as THE undisputed pre-eminent sci-fi RPG.

Many thanks !

I suppose you could do that as a non-profit fan product. Otherwise many if not most of the mentioned properties already are games or have licensed games.
Do a search for stargate, there is an excellent fan made product (made by Stouty I believe) available.
I wouldn't mind seeing that OTHER Imperium of Man done in Traveller Core form. The Core book already has Warp Drive that iirc works enough like the one in the 40K universe, and then all it needs is Plasma Generators instead of a fuel based power plant and they're set.

Then all that needs to be done is amp up the Psion powers available and (if you want to go Space Marines) come up with stat mods that make them into superhumans in Traveller rules form.

(That alone could eat up a Term just for the surgical modifications and so forth to make them Astartes).

Then there's the fun of Boarding Torpedoes and Drop Pods...