Ok I have a problem and I need some advice please. Read the character creation summary for judge dredd. CLick on ROLEPLAYING - selct judge dredd and read the judge dredd character creation summary. I understand it fairly well upto the point that reads:
Now we come to the really fun part that a lot of you have been having problems with – skills! Judge Straczynski, as a 1st level street judge has 4 skills points, plus his Intelligence modifier (having an Intelligence of 11, this is 0), multiplied by 4 – for a total of 16 skill points. However, being human, he also gains a bonus +4 skill points for a total of 20. We assign these skill points to the following class skills (note that the maximum points we can put into any skill is 4): Climb – 4 Knowledge (law) – 4 Medical – 2 Ride – 4 Sense Motive – 2 We have 4 skill points left over at the moment, and we put all of them into the Move Silently. However, because this is
a cross-class skill (not in the class skill list), each skill point only buys half a rank. Thus, though we put 4 skill points into Move Silently, it is only considered to have 2 ranks – clearly, it is always better to buy class skills for a character unless you plan to specialise with a prestige class later on.
Ok so far so good - The passage above I understand but this next bit - is this correct?
This done, we then make adjustments based on Judge Straczynski’s ability scores. All Strength-based skills, for example, will have a +1 modifier, as he has a Strength of 13. Dexterity-based skills, for Judge Straczynski, will have a +3 modifier, Constitution skills +1 and Charisma skills +2. As his Intelligence and Wisdom scores are decidedly average, no bonus or penalty is made to these skills. All skills in the class skill list also show which ability score they belong to.
Is this part correct:
So, making these adjustments, Judge Straczynski’s final skills are: Climb 5 Knowledge (law) 4
Medical 2 Move Silently 5 Ride 7 Sense Motive 2
Surely this is incorrect. WHen you create characters you roll for your abilities and make a note of the modifier to use when making checks.
You dont increase the skill values with your modifiers. I mean its correct in saying all strength based skills will have +1 mod and dex based skills wil have +3 mod but surely you dont add these to your skills as above. Your skills dont change - you just apply the monifier when you make a skill check. I hope you can understand what im going on about.
Would like some help here please just to clarify the above. If i were to create a character i would roll my abilities - make a note of modifier, pick skills but i wouldn't then add the modifiers to my skills list. I would keep the modifier seperate and add when needed.? Which is correct??
Thanks to anyone out there reading this and helping me out.
Take care guys
Now we come to the really fun part that a lot of you have been having problems with – skills! Judge Straczynski, as a 1st level street judge has 4 skills points, plus his Intelligence modifier (having an Intelligence of 11, this is 0), multiplied by 4 – for a total of 16 skill points. However, being human, he also gains a bonus +4 skill points for a total of 20. We assign these skill points to the following class skills (note that the maximum points we can put into any skill is 4): Climb – 4 Knowledge (law) – 4 Medical – 2 Ride – 4 Sense Motive – 2 We have 4 skill points left over at the moment, and we put all of them into the Move Silently. However, because this is
a cross-class skill (not in the class skill list), each skill point only buys half a rank. Thus, though we put 4 skill points into Move Silently, it is only considered to have 2 ranks – clearly, it is always better to buy class skills for a character unless you plan to specialise with a prestige class later on.
Ok so far so good - The passage above I understand but this next bit - is this correct?
This done, we then make adjustments based on Judge Straczynski’s ability scores. All Strength-based skills, for example, will have a +1 modifier, as he has a Strength of 13. Dexterity-based skills, for Judge Straczynski, will have a +3 modifier, Constitution skills +1 and Charisma skills +2. As his Intelligence and Wisdom scores are decidedly average, no bonus or penalty is made to these skills. All skills in the class skill list also show which ability score they belong to.
Is this part correct:
So, making these adjustments, Judge Straczynski’s final skills are: Climb 5 Knowledge (law) 4
Medical 2 Move Silently 5 Ride 7 Sense Motive 2
Surely this is incorrect. WHen you create characters you roll for your abilities and make a note of the modifier to use when making checks.
You dont increase the skill values with your modifiers. I mean its correct in saying all strength based skills will have +1 mod and dex based skills wil have +3 mod but surely you dont add these to your skills as above. Your skills dont change - you just apply the monifier when you make a skill check. I hope you can understand what im going on about.
Would like some help here please just to clarify the above. If i were to create a character i would roll my abilities - make a note of modifier, pick skills but i wouldn't then add the modifiers to my skills list. I would keep the modifier seperate and add when needed.? Which is correct??
Thanks to anyone out there reading this and helping me out.
Take care guys