Central Supply Cometh


Staff member
Just a little pre-warning... I have just reviewed the 'almost final' version of Central Supply, and it is looking good (very good, in fact)!

We are looking to make the PDF version available a little later today...
While eager to spend my money, don't rush it if you find it needs more polish. We can wait a day or two more.
So far so good. The book is pretty sweet. I would like some art on the augmentation sections, but I guess it might become too cumbersome with numerous and abstract pieces of similar art.

The only errors I found are - there are duplicate items on p. 88 and p. 89; and the Magrail weapons are listed with the old Auto trait (4 and 6 instead of 2 and 3). Those are all minor things.

edit: The plasma rifle and sunbeam rifle are boosted to 1DD, right? i.e. it's not a mistake.
Minor issue that might be by design:

Ceramic Combat Armour has almost no advantage over regular combat armor of the same TL - lower armor value and 1 point higher vs energy, and it costs more than twice.


I am getting into nit-picking now. The cartridge pistol seems cheaper and better than the heavy revolver, and only 1 TL higher (7 vs 6). Is that ok?

The flechette pistol has damage: 3D-2. Is (-2) by design, or it is a typo? (this was the same in the beta draft doc, so I assume it's by design)
Here are another few:

The Combat Arm gives too much armor bonus, compared to the Subdermal armor, especially when one compares the cost. Either the arm should provide the armor only in specific circumstances, or it should cost more. Edit: I found its weakness - unlike the subdermal armour, the arm can be affected by EMP.

Compared to the Core Rulebook:

* The Skill implant cost is increased 3x (from 50k to 150k), and a limit of 3 skills is placed (compared to 1 in TCR)
* The Security software is bumped by one level of difficulty, making Infiltration harder.

The last two are pretty good changes. I hope they meet with TCR for consistency in an update.
arcador said:
* and the Magrail weapons are listed with the old Auto trait (4 and 6 instead of 2 and 3).

I am going to have to check my notes, but I have a feeling that is correct, and that magrail weapons are _very_ rapid firing...
I see. The only reason I *spammed* this was because, in the CSC beta draft docs, the auto for the Magrail was 2 for the pistol and 3 for the rifle.

edit: actually it makes sense for the Magrail to have increased ROF. They have increased dmg, but are TL 14. Also they can't benefit from Ammo upgrades, thus making them difficult to penetrate higher TL armor. They also lack the integrated AP of the gauss weapons, and have a smaller clip. I made some calculations and it seems that the proposed auto rating is actually good.
The name Fusion Stile seems wrong to me and in fact there are two places in the rules where the Fusion Still is referred to.
Magrail: correct - I recommended that change to weaponry to ensure they are technically semi-viable choice (as they can't take ammo options)

Note most of of changed values are not mistakes but balance updates (increas damage on plasma rifle, costs, and so on)
On page 129 of CSC the picture of the cannon appears to be a tripod mounted machine gun, i think it is swapped with the heavy machine gun image that appears to be a cannon. Also, some of the DD weapons (for mentioned cannon and heavy cannon a few entries down) can use AP ammo, but according to the AP ammo description that would give them an AP of 1 for a 1DD weapon and an AP of 2 for an 2DD weapons. Is that correct or have i missed something either in the CSC or the CRB?
Another Error in the CSC PDF:
p.28 describes the "Personalized Image" mod for armor, but the stats underneath (cost/weight/TL) is for Additional Padding.

p.44 Hydro-Collector - the stats table is missing the dark horizontal line like the other tables have.
allanimal said:
Another Error in the CSC PDF:
p.28 describes the "Personalized Image" mod for armor, but the stats underneath (cost/weight/TL) is for Additional Padding.

It seems that only the name is mistaken. cost/weight/TL seems ok. (TL 2, weight 0, 10 Cr)
Cheers for these guys, always useful to have multiple eyes - an update will come tomorrow for CSC, and the printed edition will incorporate all these changes.
Two questions:

Are the other books (high guard, vehicle handbook) also gonna feature the "pre-purchase physical book, get pdf" deal?

Regarding POD, different editions and so on, is the standard (non-voucher) edition of the main rulebook the same as the central supply catalogue?

Looking forward to buying central supply real soon, can't wait to get it!
Annatar Giftbringer said:
Are the other books (high guard, vehicle handbook) also gonna feature the "pre-purchase physical book, get pdf" deal?

Regarding POD, different editions and so on, is the standard (non-voucher) edition of the main rulebook the same as the central supply catalogue?

If you chaps want the pre-order & PDF deal to carry on, that is what we will do!

Sorry, don't really understand your second question?
I'll gladly pre-order all your New Traveller books if you keep the PDF offer going.

I actually pre-ordered CSC and the 2 Adventures, so would love to see PDF's for the Adventures :)