Nomad said:and the BalTorp, which was primarily a multi-warhead anti-fighter weapon.
Erm, no it's not, I think you've been using the rules incorrectly... Stauration mode is very ineffective against fighters with regards to getting the number of "pulses" required to hit, as it has not that great fire control against fighters (which are hard to hit to start with) compared to the "Barn Doors" that are the Capital ships. Just because the rules state that each torpedo hits different fighters in the flight doesn't imply that if one hits, all will hit - you still need to get the number of hits indicated by the grouping...
It's an antiship weapon that has the advantage that if you can get good hits against fighters will knock a flight down sucessfully. The Heavy Arrays are much better at taking fighters out, and much more likely to do it in a single shot.
The Demos is just a lovely ship and should be regarded as what the maximum potential of the Vorchan hull is.