Centauri Demos: Presented for playtesting

Do you think there should be a Demos?

  • Yes of course it's in the series and this one is fine!

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  • No for whatever reason

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  • Yes of course it's in the series but not this version!

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Nomad said:
and the BalTorp, which was primarily a multi-warhead anti-fighter weapon.


Erm, no it's not, I think you've been using the rules incorrectly... Stauration mode is very ineffective against fighters with regards to getting the number of "pulses" required to hit, as it has not that great fire control against fighters (which are hard to hit to start with) compared to the "Barn Doors" that are the Capital ships. Just because the rules state that each torpedo hits different fighters in the flight doesn't imply that if one hits, all will hit - you still need to get the number of hits indicated by the grouping...

It's an antiship weapon that has the advantage that if you can get good hits against fighters will knock a flight down sucessfully. The Heavy Arrays are much better at taking fighters out, and much more likely to do it in a single shot.

The Demos is just a lovely ship and should be regarded as what the maximum potential of the Vorchan hull is.
Erm, no it's not, I think you've been using the rules incorrectly...
While Sat mode is indeed useless against flights, you can just hammer out a full normal barrage against a flight (and each attacks a separate fighter) - no pulse melarky to worry about.

[We now return you to your scheduled ACTA]

The original's Ballistic Torpedo was never really a 'primary' big-gun, but more a continual annoyance that the ship could keep firing. For ACTA I would recommend dropping it to 3-4 AD, and lose both the double damage and slow loading traits. The meat of this ships is the Heavy Arrays and the PlasAcc, the BT is in a more secondary role.

Mr_Punch said:
Erm, no it's not, I think you've been using the rules incorrectly...
While Sat mode is indeed useless against flights, you can just hammer out a full normal barrage against a flight (and each attacks a separate fighter) - no pulse melarky to worry about.

Nope - that's not what the rules say... You only have one target, the flight, therefore Saturation mode is used, however, normal flight damage mode is suspended and each torpedo that hits (ie after considering the flight melarky) will impact a seperate fighter. The rule is a little confused on this point, but given the specific note that Saturation mode is ineffective against fighter flights in the rules, it does kind of lean towards this interpretation, as anything else would lean towards a contradiction, and there's nothing in the FAQ about this...

Oh, and hi John, nice to see another familiar face hereabouts :)
Nomad said:
The Vorchan as presented in ACTA is pretty close to the Demos already, IMHO.

The 'Original' Vorchan in B5W was basically a fast attack boat which relied on the Plasma Acc for anti-ship punch and had a pair of Twin Arrays for short-range self-defence work.

When these ships started to form the backbone of the Centauri fleet and the Ballistic Torpedo appeared, Agents of Gaming introduced the Demos with the much more lethal Heavy Arrays and the BalTorp, which was primarily a multi-warhead anti-fighter weapon. The Demos is more of a Light Cruiser.

The ACTA Vorchan's 10 Twin-linked AD are what I'd expect to see from a Demos. There's no reason that ACTA should slavishly follow B5W, so I'd suggest the Demos in ACTA is simply a Vorchan trading a bit of speed (down to a 12" move) to add;

Ballistic Torpedo: Range 15, F arc, 2 AD, Super AP, Slow-Loading, Anti-Fighter

With all other stats remaining unchanged.

Well they're are a couple of Vorchan variants in the Centauri Fleet Box set, check out Obsidian's shipviewer for the specs.

lastbesthope said:
Well they're are a couple of Vorchan variants in the Centauri Fleet Box set, check out Obsidian's shipviewer for the specs.


None of which cut the mustard for me though :cry:

I want to see a torpedo armed Demos!
now with conflict out of the way and having somehow managed to get 1500 pts of Dark Elves painted in a week (at the cost of sleep & sanity) I might just get a chance to playtest this ship!
Of course, if the ship is supposed to behave as it did in the series, you'd expect it to handily take on a G'Quon, as in "In the Beginning".

Or Londo's memory was getting faulty with age, drink, and keeper.
Incitatus said:
Of course, if the ship is supposed to behave as it did in the series, you'd expect it to handily take on a G'Quon, as in "In the Beginning".

Or Londo's memory was getting faulty with age, drink, and keeper.

It would only need to be able to take out a G'Quan in a lucky volley rather than be balanced against it.

There's a fair bit of debate about what that Vorchan/Demos actually fires though...
frobisher said:
Incitatus said:
Of course, if the ship is supposed to behave as it did in the series, you'd expect it to handily take on a G'Quon, as in "In the Beginning".

Or Londo's memory was getting faulty with age, drink, and keeper.

It would only need to be able to take out a G'Quan in a lucky volley rather than be balanced against it.

There's a fair bit of debate about what that Vorchan/Demos actually fires though...

On the other hand, the captain of the Vorchan/Demos apparently felt confident enough that the G'Quon would be defeated to fly out of the jump point and attack, or the Centauri weren't aware of what Narn ship was sent and got lucky on a desperate attack.
Anonymous said:
On the other hand, the captain of the Vorchan/Demos apparently felt confident enough that the G'Quon would be defeated to fly out of the jump point and attack

Advanced Jump Point then :)
lastbesthope said:
No, Enhanced(Plot Device) Jump Point



Or Plot Device weaponry.
I suppose you could postulate that the Vorchan platform was a popular one for the engineers to test increasingly large weapon fits.

If you put War-grade weaponry on a ship with Skirmish-grade durability...
not the only advanced jump point-plot device ship in the series though

in "all alone in the night" the Agamemnon comes out of hyperspace all guns blazing, as does the Apollo in "endgame" :P