Board size?


Hey guys,

Was thinking of collecting this game but had a query before i started. Specifically, what is the recommended board size to play on ? I understand these things change with game size, so to begin with probably a small ship set, ranging up to one of the fleet boxsets.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated ! :)
I use 6x4 as a standard unless the scenario says otherwise. That certainly works for anything from 3 ships per side and up.
When I was starting out, I used an overly large map, and failed to note the suggested map sizes for a given point size game.

I strongly suggest you use the suggested map size for a given point level in the rulebook. With a 6x4' map, the Klingons won every time, whereas if we used a 3x3' map, the win ratio became more even because the Klingons had less room to do their Sabre Dance thing.
Assuming the OP doesn't have the rulebook, it's 4'x4' for games up to 1000 points, 6'x4' for larger. Squadron boxes are around the 750pt mark, Fleet boxes around 2500.
Yes Iain McGhee I don't have the rulebook at present, hopefully soon! :)

Thanks very much for the comments guys. I've already got a 4x4 space board, carried over from years ago when I used to play Games Workshop's Battlefleet Gothic, so I'll probably start with a few small forces on that board. But, perhaps make a new one as I start to build a collection.

Thanks again for the help!
4 x 4 has worked well for the games we've played. Even at the 1,000 point limit, it doesn't feel too small.
4 x 4 is plenty of room for 1000, particularly if you've gone with some big ships (so you have a model count of around 4 or 5) as it won't seem anywhere near as cramped as if people have invested in frigate squadrons.