*MY* recommendation is to ignore the 1000D limit, as it serves no useful purpose at the game play level. IMHO, you *want* more real space travel going on, because that's where you can have interactions. If you jump from Saturn to Neptune, you are never going to be far from a space station. That makes it hard to have piracy, ship disasters where the PCs are the only eligible respondants, etc. (Unless its a back of beyond no one goes to Neptune kind of thing, in which case.. also hard to explain why all these other people are where no goes ).
If someone is spending a week in real space hauling supplies from Titan colony to Triton Colony, that's a lot of chances for stuff to happen.
The Deep Space Maneuvering system is just a hack to undo the damage of the limit so that you can actually have deep space stuff going on again. Its fine if you only want specially built ships to be able to do that kind of thing for some reason. But its large and expensive and not going to be on a normal PC ship. So your PCs aren't gonna be doing anything in deep space except singing their dirges.
If someone is spending a week in real space hauling supplies from Titan colony to Triton Colony, that's a lot of chances for stuff to happen.
The Deep Space Maneuvering system is just a hack to undo the damage of the limit so that you can actually have deep space stuff going on again. Its fine if you only want specially built ships to be able to do that kind of thing for some reason. But its large and expensive and not going to be on a normal PC ship. So your PCs aren't gonna be doing anything in deep space except singing their dirges.