Hi guys,
Just wanted to drop by and let you all know what is happening with BF Evo at the moment.
As you will probably have heard, the game is coming back sans miniatures, in a variety of 'flavours'.
Remaining true to the original BF Evo concept, the core rules between these games will remain identical, meaning that if you can play one, you automatically know how to play the others! The differences in the rulebooks are typically found in the 'Advanced Rules' chapter and the army lists.
For example, there are Advanced Rules for deploying from helicopters in Modern Combat, but these are absent in World at War. However, both games use the same Advanced Rules for Suppression.
In terms of development, the core rules are just about complete, requiring just a little editing and tweaking after the current round of playtesting (which has been going on for quite some time!).
We are looking to go to print with Battlefield Evolution: World at War, the WWII game, early next month, and it will be in stores around the middle of April as a spanky big hardback. Battlefield Evolution: Modern Combat will follow 2-3 months later. Somewhere around this time, we will also be releasing a free to download PDF 'modification' that allows the use of Starship Troopers with the core rules.
Speaking of Starship Troopers, expect some new people in this forum at the end of this week, as we are transferring the SST forum to this one, as you will all be using the same rules set. Makes sense to keep things together!
Here in the office, we have been putting together our own armies for the games. My German Wehrmacht Grenadiers have been swelled recently with some choice units, such as a squad of Pioneers (flame unit!) and a Bf-110. Already have some British Commandos on the way, though I have been told quite directly that my Lancaster with Grand Slam will _not_ be allowed in the game!
We have a mix of scales here in the office, with some choosing 28mm - while I have gone down the 1/72 route. The choice of models in this scale is quite simply awesome (remember all those Airfix kist you used to build?), and the diecast models from companies such as Corgi mean there are also a wide range of 'pre-paints' available!
Overall, the game is much as you remember it, but there have been a lot of tweaks based on the feedback you have provided us. Fire Zones, for example, are now centred on an enemy model, while close combat and artillery have been wholly revised. Full army lists are now included in the game, with far, far, far greater options than before.
We are now just wondering how long it will be until someone gets the idea of pitting their Desert Rats army against the Arachnids!
Just wanted to drop by and let you all know what is happening with BF Evo at the moment.
As you will probably have heard, the game is coming back sans miniatures, in a variety of 'flavours'.
Remaining true to the original BF Evo concept, the core rules between these games will remain identical, meaning that if you can play one, you automatically know how to play the others! The differences in the rulebooks are typically found in the 'Advanced Rules' chapter and the army lists.
For example, there are Advanced Rules for deploying from helicopters in Modern Combat, but these are absent in World at War. However, both games use the same Advanced Rules for Suppression.
In terms of development, the core rules are just about complete, requiring just a little editing and tweaking after the current round of playtesting (which has been going on for quite some time!).
We are looking to go to print with Battlefield Evolution: World at War, the WWII game, early next month, and it will be in stores around the middle of April as a spanky big hardback. Battlefield Evolution: Modern Combat will follow 2-3 months later. Somewhere around this time, we will also be releasing a free to download PDF 'modification' that allows the use of Starship Troopers with the core rules.
Speaking of Starship Troopers, expect some new people in this forum at the end of this week, as we are transferring the SST forum to this one, as you will all be using the same rules set. Makes sense to keep things together!
Here in the office, we have been putting together our own armies for the games. My German Wehrmacht Grenadiers have been swelled recently with some choice units, such as a squad of Pioneers (flame unit!) and a Bf-110. Already have some British Commandos on the way, though I have been told quite directly that my Lancaster with Grand Slam will _not_ be allowed in the game!
We have a mix of scales here in the office, with some choosing 28mm - while I have gone down the 1/72 route. The choice of models in this scale is quite simply awesome (remember all those Airfix kist you used to build?), and the diecast models from companies such as Corgi mean there are also a wide range of 'pre-paints' available!
Overall, the game is much as you remember it, but there have been a lot of tweaks based on the feedback you have provided us. Fire Zones, for example, are now centred on an enemy model, while close combat and artillery have been wholly revised. Full army lists are now included in the game, with far, far, far greater options than before.
We are now just wondering how long it will be until someone gets the idea of pitting their Desert Rats army against the Arachnids!