B Babylon 5 Aide Mongoose May 22, 2006 #1 Its been awhile and I am wondering if we are going to see it or not, especially sense we haven't heard anything further on it. Mongeese?
Its been awhile and I am wondering if we are going to see it or not, especially sense we haven't heard anything further on it. Mongeese?
L lastbesthope Mongoose Jun 3, 2006 #3 If you want a direct answer to your question, try contacting Mongoose directly, sales@mongoosepublishing.com LBH
If you want a direct answer to your question, try contacting Mongoose directly, sales@mongoosepublishing.com LBH
A ATimson Mongoose Jun 3, 2006 #4 The PDF released today. And of course I don't have any money at the moment.
B Babylon 5 Aide Mongoose Jun 3, 2006 #5 THANK YOU! Appriciate you looking out for me. Or maybe just trying to shut me up. :lol: :wink:
C Chernobyl Cosmic Mongoose Jun 3, 2006 #6 Now all I need is a laptop when I use this for games... :lol: Chern