Automobile Chase and general Automobile rules


I started putting together some rules for automobiles, chases, and crashes. They are far from complete, but I'd love some feedback and suggestions on what I have so far. I have been trying to keep the system pretty simple.

These are the stats I am planning on using for automobiles and other vehicles. Movement is going to be listed in MPH and Zones. I think it is pretty realistic that a Motorcycle can outrun a dump truck.

Strike Rank Modifier
Handling Modifier
Hit Points
Carrying Capacity

Here is the chase rules. I think they are pretty solid. I based them off the close combat matrix, but had the success levels equal zones of movement, essentially how far one car is from the other.

The Attacker is the car attempting to catch up, the Defender is the Car attempting to outrun the other car. Chases are measured in Zones. A fumble on the driving roll indicates the car is out of control, the driver must make a Drive skill roll or roll on the driving mishaps table. Once the vehicles are in the same zone the drivers have the option of ramming or sideswiping each other. In addition to the driving skill roll for attack and defense, both drivers must make a additional drive roll or lose control of their vehicles and roll on the driving mishaps table.

I can't get the chase matrix to show up properly. It just uses the levels of success matrix from page 131 of the main rulebook. Instead of combat maneuvers use zones of movement instead.

I like the mishaps table. So far I have the really bad results, now I need to come up with the minor and moderate damage results.

Mishaps table

1 – 7 minor damage

1) Fenderbender, -10% to handling, lose one additional zone

8 – 14 moderate damage

8) Minor Collision, -20% to handling, lose two additional zones
14) Lose a Tire! Make another Drive skill roll to regain control enough to stop safely. Otherwise roll again on the driving mishaps table. The car cannot be driven until the tire is replaced.

15 – 20 major damage

15) Collision, -30% to handling, lose three additional zones. Make a Drive skill roll to regain control. If the roll is failed roll 1D10+10 and consult the driving mishaps table.
16) Bent Axle! Make another Drive skill roll to regain control enough to stop safely. Otherwise roll again on the driving mishaps table. The car is incapable of being driven further.
17) Car Crash! If The driver and passengers are wearing seatbelts or are otherwise secure they take 1D3 to a random hit location. If they are not wearing seatbelts or are otherwise not secure they take 2D3 to a random hit location.
18) Severe Car Crash! If The driver and passengers are wearing seatbelts or are otherwise secure they take 1D6 to a random hit location. If they are not wearing seatbelts or are otherwise not secure they take 2D6 to a random hit location. The car is totaled.
19) The Car crashes and catches on fire. If The driver and passengers are wearing seatbelts or are otherwise secure they take 1D3 to a random hit location. If they are not wearing seatbelts or are otherwise not secure they take 2D3 to a random hit location. At the beginning of the next round the car counts as a Small Fire damage source, with everyone in the car taking 1D6 points of fire damage to a random hit location. The car is totaled.
20) Potentially Fatal Crash! If The driver and passengers are wearing seatbelts or are otherwise secure they take 1D10 to a random hit location. If they are not wearing seatbelts or are otherwise not secure they take 2D10 to a random hit location. The car is totaled.
I'd love some feedback. Still not sure what I should have for the earlier crash results. I am thinking of changing #20 to be 1D8 damage to 1D4 hit locations, 2D8 damage if the passenger driver is not buckled in.
There were rules for chases in 'Hawkmoon' for MRQ1. It was chiefly for aerial vehicles, but the principles work the same for automobiles if one disregards the changes in altitude.