Arc Threads now available


Following on the heels of our popular universal supplements, Character Webs and Species & Socieities, comes Arc Threads. This book is an invaluable resource for GMs of any game system. It's available at

It's not Traveller-specific, but it's a good resource for any referee. Are you pressed for time or lack inspiration to create your story? Arc Threads has all you need to form the broad strokes of a campaign for any RPG in seconds. There's also a section on creating villains.

Like our other Background books, Arc Threads uses Thunderegg Publications' Generator pages that let you determine multiple data items with a single dice throw. You'll need a single D8 and 8 D6s in assorted colors.

We're making this product available with pay-what-you-want pricing. Ideally, we'd love for you to show your appreciation monetarily, but we understand when you don't even have $1.50 for games but want something nice to present to your group. By all means, pay what you can, even if it's zero, but please do tell your friends about us.

Is there anything that you want to see in our upcoming releases? Let us know here in the comments or at
I've read your message, I've looked at the website and there is next to nothing to help me decide how much I want to pay for your work. Any clues? Also, is it printer ink friendly? Will it look OK in black and white?
It is printer-friendly. The generator pages all fit on a single page. The black and purple tables have white letters to stand out. Most folks pay about 1.50.