Anyone do a RQ port of Conan materials


I've been reading over the Signs & Portents Conan scenarios. I'd like to give them a whirl but they are d20, a rules set I don't know much and don't much like what I do know of it. I do like RQ, though. Does anyone know of a port of the Conan scenario stats? or a conversion system?

The Slaine to Slaine-RQ conversion might be a good start?

I have not seen a Conan SRD either. There is a generic d20 SRD from WotC, but there are some Conan specific mechanics I'd need to address.
Not a conversion "kit" so much as there is the original (d20) Slaine and RQ Slaine, so there was some conversion that happened behind the scenes. But now I don't see a d20 Slaine product or SRD on Mongoose's site. Just the character sheet. I'll have to do some spelunking.
UUUMMM, you do know that Mongoose has converted Slaine itself, did you not? RQ SLAINE IS OUT!!!

As far as the Conan conversions, we pretty much figured to use the Magic system from Runequest Lankhmar, and leave everything in tact.

Though some may differ in oppinion, in it playable in Hyborea just like it is...
You can use data in my web for aesir, vanir and cimmerians. They're all inspired in middle ages scandinavian warriors and culture.
Anyway I'm slow translating all the spanish content and there is few material at the moment in english.

If you miss any particular aspect you're interested to use in your hyborian games around these Conan age countries just send me a PM ;-)
Conan RPG (D20 OGL) is as near to the RQ rules as it is possible under D20 rules:
- There are armor point which are substracted from damage (and not added to the DC check).
- Spells are very like those we find in Cthulhu and spell casters have Power Points (even less than in RQ).
- The Hit Point are limited once you reach 10th level but there is a massive damage rule which can kill anybody if he suffers 25 HP in one blow.
- Weapons have resistance point.

In fact the only D20 rules are levels, feats and skills.

Anyway you are right about Slaine because The Slaine D20 rules were used to do the Conan rules (that is they are very similar to Conan's and thusly to the BRP system).