Alternative Action Chart


I've been working on an Action Chart that better reflects the style I used back in the day, when I made them from notebook paper. If you'd like to give it a try you can find it in the Other Games section of ESG Labs. There's also a short entry about its design in my gaming blog.

Have fun!
Hmm ...

I like the general layout of the action chart, though I would have liked to see more information regarding Weaponmastery (what weapons? number of arrows?) and the Lore-Circles (necessary skills? gained bonuses?). Therefore, I would have replaced the random number chart with aforesaid information.

Now, if I could only find enough spare time to start reading FFTD ... :(
tofranil said:
I like the general layout of the action chart, though I would have liked to see more information regarding Weaponmastery (what weapons? number of arrows?) and the Lore-Circles (necessary skills? gained bonuses?). Therefore, I would have replaced the random number chart with aforesaid information.
I really should have posted it as two different PDFs; they're supposed to be a one page Action Chart and a one page Combat Reference, not a two page Action Chart. Ah, well; that's easy enough to fix once I have improvements to those sheets.

Last night I put together a two page, fold-over style sheet that includes many of the items that were omitted, like the Lore-circles and Weapon knowledge list. It's up for downloading now at the same site. I still forgot about the Quiver; I think I'll probably move Rank back to the blank spot under Kai Disciplines and put Quiver in its spot. The Lore-circles take up a lot of space for something you check and modify once per book for less than a third of the series; I thought about just including the names and not the increases to your base stats. We'll see, though.

So far I like the layout and half-sheet size. From here I think I'll go ahead and start making the one sheet version a better compact sheet by removing the extra Discipline lines and replacing them with Weapon knowledge, Quiver, and similar things. (I like seeing what order I'd taken things in the past, but for a single sided character sheet sacrifices must be made. :)

With both of those there'd be plenty of parts to make other variants, like a more standard two page sheet with all the trimmings.

tofranil said:
Now, if I could only find enough spare time to start reading FFTD ... :(
Always a problem, time. What can you do?

Balgin Stondraeg said:
Wot, no Gary Chalk style piktchures or nuffink? Strange.
I'm no artist and I don't have rights for anything similar. Besides, they'd take up valuable box space. :)

(I wouldn't turn down offers of clip art, but I am a function over form kind of guy.)

Thanks for the comments!