ShadowScout said:
so don't get Lyta angry later in her life, or you may just experience spontanous combustion)
Without a doubt you are quite correct:!: :twisted:
I would say that she had TK as well as Clarivoyance. She demonstrated that by looking for a way out of Downbelow when the Telepaths had holed up in there.
She also demonstrated an Amazing range as well (or she did not literally have to see what she wanted to affect, ie the Shadow augmented telepaths that were secreted aboard the Earth Force Destroyers orbiting Mars, at least 100 Km up!).
It is the same for the Rouge Telepaths that were in Downbelow. They sensed the Bloodhounds when they came on board B5 and that was over 2 miles away, through a lot of steel. The Line of Sight thing is something that occurs with Scanning someone, especially Deep Scans.
The Psi Cop that met Bester at the end of
Dust to Dust said something similar "I have been trying to communicate with you since we came through the gate." Bester said something about the Sleepers and that it did not matter anyway. So from that it seems that Telepaths can comunicate with each other over a farther distance with each other.
There does seem to be some basics to Telepath no matter what the race. A Mind Shield or Block is central, otherwise Accidental Scans occur. To a new telepath who does not know how to build a Block, they can seem insane.
The next thing is Concentration. Until a being can do something without thinking about it, concentration is always important. It also seems to complement the Telepathy. By concentrating, a telepath quites their own mind and is able to drop the blocks and get more information or reach a deeper level of scan. Again the Rogue Telepaths, "Can't you sense it. Drop the blocks that the mundanes make us put up." - Byron. Also Bester demonstrated it when he was attempting to reach his lover. This is the equal to the a full defense and maybe there should be a Feat for being able to reach even deeper. +4 to Telepathy uses, -4 to Will saves.
The more powerful the telepath is, the more difficult to block out the noise of stray thoughts. Alyssa is a strong P10 and before Talia taught her how to build a Block, she could not even think. So she takes -10 to concentration which if she has only a 1 in the the skill, she would take a -9 to any Int modifier.
Power represented by Psi Rating. Range should at least be in Meters if not more as represented in the shows. To make other humans comfortable, the LoS limitation seems to be something to lull the masses into a false sense of security. The more powerful a telepath the farther they can go and they can use the power through more materials, ie, steel, lead, etc.
Just some food for thought.