[ACTA:NA] Is this line still supported?


I just ask because of two things:
1.) I like the Fading Suns universe and I also like the NA rules better then the SF ones.
2.) The forums and blog are awefully quiet NA. I know that SF has a far bigger audience, but there is not one update for ACTA/NA in the past year.
3.) I just saw that mongoose auctioned of a bunch of random ships on ebay, which I find unusual for a publisher. "Buy nows" are normal, but auctioning off stuff way cheaper then the retailers and LGSs is strange.

Has anyone heard anything?

Kind regards
Are you sure it is for NA? I know there will be another book for SF (Battlegroups). I would like to see the last of the old factions reappear though. (Symbiots, League).

I know you guys are spread thin, but do you have an educated guess when the League fleet will come out? (I hardly doubt you can hold the estimated 2013 date :wink: )
derwendigo said:

I know you guys are spread thin, but do you have an educated guess when the League fleet will come out? (I hardly doubt you can hold the estimated 2013 date :wink: )

Yeah, the Dredd and Rogue Trooper KS have consumed a lot of resources, a little more than we had intended.

The main bottleneck for the League fleet (and NA in general) is 3D design, not rules writing (we have had rules for the League for a few years now, though they need tweaking). We have two ladies working on 3D design now, but the second has only just joined us and it always takes a few months to get up to speed.

The second issue, specific to League and Empire fleets, is that we have requested some art from Holistic, and they have been quite busy too lately. However, we are having a chat with them in a couple of weeks or so, and we'll give them a poke then!

Once we have all those ducks in a line, the actual process of doing the League and Empire fleets will be surprisingly swift.