ACtA - Dodge. How does it work, exactly?

During a game on Vassal I had occasion to use the Dodge trait for the first time when a Kutai-class gunship was hit by a barrage of fire from a Narn Ka'Tan. As I read it, the rules indicate that for each weapon firing, you roll one Doge and if successful, negate all hits from the weapon.

A certain individual (not naming any names) has very rudely suggested that this interpretation is not correct. Including several unwarranted personal attacks. He suggests that a weapon fires, hits are calculated, and then Dodge rolls are made for each hit before damage is rolled.

A search of this forum didn't turn up the information I want, so I'd like an official answer. Did I misunderstand the rulebook or is the ill-mannered person incorrect?

Many thanks.
The Ill-mannered person is indeed correct. Dodge works against the amount of hits scored against you. A weapon attacks you with 5 AD, say 3 hit. You would then roll three dodge saves, and any dodges that failed could roll for damage.

BTW, I play an ISA White Star fleet, so I'm quite experienced with how dodge works. Now if I could only figure out some of the other things.
Iain McGhee said:
Probably a redundant post, but remember that you cannot dodge certain weapons (those with Energy Mine or Anti-Fighter traits)

Indeed, remember unless a rule, like the 2 above, says that you can't dodge then you can.

I'd like the definitive answer, please.

Can you dodge hits from exploding ships? I lost about seven flights of Thunderbolts to exploding ships and was given no chance to dodge the hits. Is this correct or can you dodge the chunks of debris?
You've had the definitive answer, but yes, you can dodge exploding ships, nothing in the rules says you can't so you can dodge hits from nearby exploding ships.
