A new Universe for "A Call To Arms"

As a loooooong time Star Fleet Battles player (Since 1980), I can tell you that ADB's license does not include anything from the FranchiseTM. It does however have more empires, ships and consistancy then all versions of the Franchise combined.

I played some Call to Arms last year at the insistence of a freind of mine and was very impressed, so I'm really looking forward to seeing my favorite universe adapted to this excellent space combat system. When this launches, I'll be a new customer and hopefully a devoted one.
In simple laymans' terms, the ADB license from Paramount allows them to use whatever Star Trek "items" that are already in the game. ADB may not include any new items, whether they are from TOS/TAS (e.g. the Mirror Universe) or a later series. So, if it isn't already in the "Star Fleet Universe", then it can't be added.

They are free to add their own material (which they have), but not "adopt" anything not already used.

So, if the "Reflections Universe" idea is ever expanded on, then it will, of necessity, be different from the official TOS "Mirror Universe". It would be its own item. Also, please note that nothing has actually been done on it besides a discussion topic, and it is not currently being worked.

In addition to all of that, please don't forget that not everything will be thrown into the mix all at once. Things will be release in a measured manner, so it take a little while to get through the "TV" and other published empires, much less something that isn't even fully formed yet.
The forums have been alive with news of our recent agreement with Amarillo Design Bureau was made public earlier this week, and a lot of questions have been raised. We will be having a 'big reveal' in 3-4 weeks time, including a look at the first miniatures, but for now there are a few things we can put to rest.
When is A Call to Arms: Star Fleet due for release?
We are currently aiming for (and on schedule for, though it is early days!) being in stores the first week of December. December is a 'short' month for distribution though, and if this is missed, we may delay until the first week of January. But we want December.
Star Trek or Star Fleet?
Star Fleet, which concentrates on The Original Series ships. However, in practice for the miniatures game, there will be little difference. There will be no characters from the TV show or movies, and no Excelsior. However, in return, we get a Trek universe that is internally very consistent, that has lots of opportunites for conflict, a veritable ton of ship designs, and the ability to add new ships and fleets to our heart's content. It is a good trade off. You will still be able to face down Romulans and Klingons!
What fleets will be covered in the main rulebook?
Fairly extensively, Federation, Klingon, Romulan, Kzinti and Gorn. There will also be a range of civilian ships and a smattering of Orion pirates and Tholians.
How long have you been planning this?
Quite some time! The rulebook was written some time ago and is now undergoing playtesting, and we started work on the miniatures about a month ago. Actually, this was relatively easy for us to 'get in to,' as we had already drafted a set of Trek rules when we approached Paramount for a licence a couple of years ago. That did not work out, but this will!
Babylon 5 was good while it lasted, but the licence expired - will the same happen here?
There are no term limits or dates of expiration in our agreement with ADB. Both companies are looking forward to this lasting for a long, long time, and there are various nuts and bolts built into the agreement that make it beneficial for both companies to keep pushing ahead with it.
Star Fleet Battles is all about power allocation - will this appear in A Call to Arms?
Yes. Sort of. Kinda. Remember, we abstract out in A Call to Arms as it is a fleet level game but in short, yes, useage of power will at least be acknowledged.
Why change the scale of the ships?
Because doing them this way will make them ten times better, and we started this with the intention of creating the best Trek gaming experience possible. The differences between old and new models won't be excessive and the rules certainly won't be affected. Anyone who used Fleet Action scale models in ACTA: B5 will know this! In any case, ADB will keep the older models in production for anyone who wants them. But we hope you will like the new models!
What will be released first?
All going to plan, on the first week of December you will be able to pick up the main rulebook, three squadron box sets (five ships a piece) for Klingons, Romulans and the Federation, and three fleet box sets for the same. All ships released in these sets will be available as singles in blisters for specialist shops and mail order, and there will be monthly releases thereafter, at a rate of 2-4 boxes a month, depending on content.
There will be a supplement for the rest, right?
We are currently looking at Gen Con 2012 for the release of this, working title We Come in Peace (Shoot to Kill) - that _will_ change! It will bring in more fleets and new ships for the existing ones, a bit like Fleets of the Fading Suns but bigger.
Does this mean the end of Noble Armada?
Not as far as we are concerned. Noble Armada, while sharing a rules system, has a very different feel, with different technologies and boarding actions going on all over the place! Also, as we now do all our ship modelling in-house, it is exceedingly easy for us to add new ships and fleets to Noble Armada. The short of it is, you keep playing, we'll keep supporting!

View article... http://blog.mongoosepublishing.co.uk/
Planet Mongoose said:
There will be a supplement for the rest, right?
We are currently looking at Gen Con 2012 for the release of this, working title We Come in Peace (Shoot to Kill) - that _will_ change! It will bring in more fleets and new ships for the existing ones, a bit like Fleets of the Fading Suns but bigger.

Don't change the name, it sounds awesome, almost like a Paranoia supplement.

lastbesthope said:
Planet Mongoose said:
There will be a supplement for the rest, right?
We are currently looking at Gen Con 2012 for the release of this, working title We Come in Peace (Shoot to Kill) - that _will_ change! It will bring in more fleets and new ships for the existing ones, a bit like Fleets of the Fading Suns but bigger.

Don't change the name, it sounds awesome, almost like a Paranoia supplement.


I agree, i love that name... has a ring of truth to it..
SteveCole said:
No, we cannot do the mirror universe. We can create our own (different) mirror universe.

hmm ok - well I might see how the game develops and then write one ;)

Will the NA and Trek ships be compatable in terms of playing each other or are they internally consistant only?

@ Nerroth - thanks for the link ,interesting reading - and even hot women :)
have you contacted any of the big companies to write something official? could be a nice little earner :)
Just heard about this and all i can say is I'm gob smacked...didn't see any possibility of this ever happening and i'm well chuffed :D

In terms of the miniatures, is there any possibility of a few of the movie era ships eg a refit enterprise, oberth class etc or is this where licensing starts to become an issue?
I had a thought. Is it a possibility to have the ship data presented in a format which looks something like the SSD form used in SFB and Federation Commander? Most people I know who play ACTA make their own data sheets anyway (we use Digger's excellent effort) to play with and I don't believe anything official was ever released by Mongoose for ACTA thus far although it was discussed at one point. This could be a nice spin off product with the ships presented in the rule books in the familiar ACTA format but then also offered as data cards either as physical product or pdf for purchase. Nice A5 layout with top down view of the ship and all of the data listed plus check boxes for damage and so on. Let's face it, someone will make these when the games come out so maybe you guys might want to think about making an official version.
@Renny - I agree (oh and thanks for the namecheck by the way) a data sheet or card would be a great idea.

I know with Uncharted Seas and Firestorm Armada a card for each of the ships comes in the box.

Although, I can already see a 'Burgers' ship-viewer version hitting the forums pretty soon after the product is launched! :D

P.S. Do we know what the mini's will be made of, Resin or metal? Resin please!
Renny said:
Why not just hire Burger to do an official version?
To be honest my ship sheets aren't anything that any reasonably competent web designer couldn't do in a couple of days. The most painstaking and time consuming part was entering all the ship data into a database, but I'm sure Mongoose has this already in some kind of database. So if Mongoose wanted to make a web site with sheets similar to mine then I am sure they could quite easily do it internally. :)

But if they don't, if there aren't any official cards, if I get into the game and if Mongoose are happy for me to do it, then I may well make a ship viewer similar to the ACTA one. That's a lot of if's, though.
Burger said:
I am so going to get a Gorn fleet, just for comedy value. And then come in costume :lol:

Heh, I'm Hydran, born and bred.......smack em with the fusion and when they turn roll out the hellbore...drones, pah, my gatlings laugh at thee (or would if my face wasn't so stoney)

Of course this means for costume I can get away with slabs of expanded polystyrene and some grey paint. You on the other hand have to go Godzilla