9 player game


Sunday I Gm'ed a Conan game with 9 players. It was freaking awesome actually. THey were all first and second level.

Deadliest thing for PC's: Defensive blast from socercer acolytes

Slight Disappointment: 16 1st-level Turanian horsemen went down pretty fast, they only really hurt the two players without armor. They did kill one of the noble's war dogs, which makes up for a lot.

Unexpected Disappointment for me: 2 man-apes were cut to pieces doing very little harm to the PC's. I did have one of the apes throw the Noble's other war dog to its death in a chasm though, whcih makes up for a lot.

Funtastic: I got to use all 32 of my "Revolting Peasants" miniatures in a single battle. The "goatherding uni-browed members of a secretive mountain race, tainted by ancient evil" were hacked to pieces in a glorious hack fest.
I was somewhat disappointed in my Pictish hordes, so the deadliness of CONAN combat can sometimes take away from the suspense. My fault as a GM, of course.

Hackfests are fun. :)
DrSkull said:
Unexpected Disappointment for me: 2 man-apes were cut to pieces doing very little harm to the PC's.
Did you not play with horror checks? 1st & 2nd level players should have failed their will saves, swooned and been killed in the presence of these horrible abominations.
They did kill one of the noble's war dogs, which makes up for a lot.
2 man-apes were cut to pieces doing very little harm to the PC's. I did have one of the apes throw the Noble's other war dog to its death in a chasm though, whcih makes up for a lot.

I see you have a problem with dogs too??

I know I used Terror checks several times during the evening in 2 or 3 other encounters--lots of swoons, righjt and left, but it escapes me now whether or not I used them in the man-ape encounter. I may have forgotten in that one case. I guess I use so many monkeys in so many RPG's that I forgot man-apes had the terror check associated with them. Drat.

When in an RPG, my motto is "Death to Pets"
With nine PCs, it would be unlikely that too many of them would swoon. I have 4 PCs, and if even two of them swoon, there can be serious trouble for all four of them! :shock:
heh - I just spent a small fortune on about 14 barbarian type figures at a small convention in PA. (MEPACON) Reaper Mini's are great and now I have my 'horde' I was particularly happy to find both bare backed barbarians (ala Conan) as well as more nordic/fur covered barbarians. I estimate that I now have about 30 'barbarous' figures.

I also found two great mini's for my Set worshipping NPC's. Both have a snake coiled somewhere on them and one has the curved horns ala Thoth Amon. (I need a good, similiar sounding name for this guy who will probably be Thoth Amon's subordinate)

To round out my purchase, I found two figures that will be great for my storyline. The first is a fat slaver being served wine by a beautiful slave girl. (Add them to my other dancing girls, and I have a great gaggle of gals for him to own) and the other was a caveman dragging the naked body of his 'girl friend' by the hair. These go well with the other 6 cavemen I have. I'm going to paint these up as my picts.

My campaign is going to start with the slaver, as I have a female gamer and she has agreed to let me introduce her as a slave. (Once the proud wife of a Nomadic noble, she was captured when he was slain by a double crossing business partner.) I haven't decided if the 'girl friend' being dragged will be her in another scenario or another girl who needs to be rescued.

Now if only Sword of Skelos would arrive!!
Oh...sorry...I also meant to add - 9 players - WAY cool!!!
Unfortunately, the good doctor forgot the swoon checks for the man-apes. I suppose it was not his fault, though. As we approached the cavorting ape-men we spent much time at range trying to determine what the heck was going on. Was the spider priest keeping the apes at bay with his mysterious playing? Were the apes in league with the priest? Where was the rest of the ambush coming from (alas metagaming!). Because there was such a game delay between our questioning and the calling of initiatives that things kind of broke down. Particularly because there were nine of us. Not to mention, that even had we swooned we could have easily beaten a hasty retreat (us on horseback at about 180' away) which may have made the encounter moot. It worked out well, really. That and I got to wrestle a man-ape Conan-style.