Recent content by zwerg

  1. Z

    Vorlons and the Brakiri

    Shhh! My water clan doesn't want to get exposed yet ... ;)
  2. Z

    Small trivial errors

    The "eh" at the end of sentences is also common in northern Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Upper Michigan AFAICT. I am almost certain Wisconsin has them beat hands down ;) I am fairly certain we have more taverns per capita on average than the rest...
  3. Z

    Galactic Guide

    Taht sounds about right ... IIRC printing in China delays books 1-3 months longer than a more local printer (due to shipping import/export delays, etc) :)
  4. Z

    New Releases

    Um, this is the gaming industry. They work on fairly low margins to begin with and tend also to print fairly limited print runs, and thus are generally not on anyone's top of the list for getting out. Also it tends to be very editing intensive, etc. In other words, books will be out when they...
  5. Z

    Cargo & Trade ... spaces, etc

    OK. This may seem strange that I keep quoting myself, but hey, whatever. ;) In the game I have a Trader who, for his "Investment" received a Civilian Trader. Going over the various ships I recall seeing in the series I have come to the conclusion that the Corporate Frieghter should actually be...
  6. Z

    Comments on "Ships of the Galaxy"

    Well, the Avoiki (which is listed as "Huge" and has no fighters) has a crew of 30 crewmen (41 total people) which seems inordinately small even to cover damage control let alone man all the weapons, etc, and a corporate freighter has 6 (11). Given that size increases in three dimensions and...
  7. Z

    Cargo & Trade ... spaces, etc

    Haven't heard much so I figure I go on ... The prices for cargo are interesting, but ludicrace. I say this because it costs thousands of credits to dock a ship at Babylon 5 yet a Civilian Trader, according to the rules as written, could carry 160cr of food or less (that is gross value, not...
  8. Z

    Comments on "Ships of the Galaxy"

    Which would make for about 9 hanger spaces for Starfuries and 1-2 for shuttles (for a total of 36 and 2-4 respectively) for a total of 10-11 Hangar Spaces. That sounds more reasonable. At that point I could see having Hangar space for 48 Starfuries with 12 spaces acting as repair and storage...
  9. Z

    Exploration in the B5 Universe--How Do You Do It?

    I also have that view, along with the view that the planets shown are not the only ones controlled by the races in question. These are the ones that have more than one connection or are otherwise significant.
  10. Z

    The Belt Alliance+Cascor ships+Index request

    IIRC they helped design Starfuries so their own designs should be similar but potentially smaller. Lots of viewing, forward bubble feel, vector thrusters for fast spins, etc. They may be inferior in some small ways but probably superior by and large (most races would hold at least some back) and...
  11. Z

    Reporting errors in B5 2e main book

    Looking over the ship stats I have found so many errors it isn't funny. Where do you want me to report them? (many are inconsistancies in the numbers of hangar spaces (and size), ships carried, and numbers of Pilots) -Dwarf
  12. Z

    Cargo & Trade ... spaces, etc

    Well, my GM restarted his campaign and I have to say, I really like most of the trade system, but feel compelled to ask a question ... How many "Cargo" units from the table on page 272 are in a Medium sized ship cargo space? I ask because Hanger Spaces as per page 182 vary based on the size of...
  13. Z

    I Had it in my Hand. . .

    Mine are usually about HackMaster or miniatures or, when feverish, trays. The gaming dreams sometimes help me write, especially the ones on the twilight edge between conscious and subconscious such as when dead-dog tired and trying to slep or waking dreams in the morning (I generally am the most...
  14. Z

    Classes for traders

    Worker works well, as does Scientist, Agent, or any other class with Knowledge Skills (Any).
  15. Z

    Merchants, Traders and Raiders - Out This Week!

    Merchants,Traders and Raiders introduces a new skill to handle much of actual commerce, namely KS: Commerce. As Brakiri as supposed to be master traders should it replace one of, or be added to the list of, skills that all Brakiri get a +2 bonus with and get as class skills? -Dwarf