Recent content by TrippyHippy

  1. T

    Where to start in the Traveller universe?

    Start at the beginning. Keep going till you get to the end. Then stop.
  2. T

    Dungeon Crawling in Traveller

    Actually, I wonder if you could convert the Element Class Cruiser box set into a massive 'Dungeon Crawl'. That is, use all the maps and blue prints to show a long abandoned craft, and then fill the lot with randomised critters?
  3. T

    Dungeon Crawling in Traveller

    So, is there or has their been a supplement that creates a massive, sandbox setting that allows PCs to just wander around a hostile, enclosed labyrinth enclosure? I’m thinking a bit like Alien - but more gonzo and varied. Something like the classic Starship Warden for Metamorphosis Alpha or...
  4. T

    Kapcon 2025 (NZ) report

    Quick report from NZ’s RPG Conference held in Wellington this last weekend (Kapcon) where several Traveller games were played. Biggest attendance ever, apparently, over the Saturday and Sunday according to organisers. Attendance had dropped off badly during the COVID years but seems to have...
  5. T

    Traveller Worlds and Wiki down?

    So, trying to plan out a session tomorrow (!) and both the Traveller Worlds and Traveller Wiki are down? Anybody know this and when they might be back?
  6. T

    Traveller Release Schedule 2025

    Personally, I think the next one should be called '50th Anniversary Edition’ as it will be a selling point even if the only thing you change is the cover. Otherwise, I like the approach by Castles & Crusades which just refer to the ‘Printing’ number. They actually make it a selling point of...
  7. T

    Suggested Equipment lists for Careers?

    So, I’ll be running a Traveller game at an upcoming conference and although I could just use Pre-Gens, I thought it would enhance the players’ appreciation of a significant feature of the game system to give them a crack at doing the life path character generation process. However, it can be...
  8. T

    Core Rulebook Update 2022 - New Printing, New Cover!

    Do you remember the first printing of White Wolf’s Æon? It was later renamed ‘Trinity’ because some other company legally challenged them on the original name. Anyway, their original printing was in a high quality, tightly ringbound, sturdy plastic wraparound folder - sort of like a file dump...
  9. T

    Travellers Needed - The Future of Traveller

    They have just released GURPS Transhuman Space on Bundle of Holding which is worth picking up. I think, although there were antecedents, it was the first RPG setting that explored the notion of Transhumanism as a near future setting. Personally, I think it it would be perfect to adapt to...
  10. T

    The Great Rift - Travellers' Comments Welcomed!

    1/ Change the Box Design - in line with more recent box sets, deeper and without the 'lip over' cover. 2/ Update the layout and art. 3/ Create more adventure material. 4/ Nothing else. Please don't keep revising books where customers have to question which 'edition' to get.
  11. T

    Darrian 'Elves'

    It is just shorthand, really. Tolkienesque Elves are a recognisable trope and so, if you want a quick way to refer to Darrians in a casual gamer context it is simple enough.
  12. T

    State of the Mongoose 2024

    This may be a late thought but considering the back catalogue that Mongoose now have, may I please request that we can crank up the number of classic titles - Traveller and Paranoia - that are made available on Print on Demand? I’d happily buy a lot of them.
  13. T

    Traveller Release Schedule 2024

    I did say I wasn’t making any political point. The point made from other game companies is that it isn’t just a case of switching to American printing firms. It may not be economically viable for certain lines to make that switch.
  14. T

    Traveller Release Schedule 2024

    Laugh it up. I already know of some RPG companies that are cancelling products because they can't afford to publish. Traveller is now owned by a British company and I am not sure where in the world it is printed. If it is printed outside the US the cost is going up and it may not be cost...