Recent content by The Wolf

  1. T

    Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year dude.
  2. T

    Recommended Reading?

    Hear hear, it's why my fantasy (I say that loosely) novel is set on another world, that's most definitely not Earth.
  3. T

    Monster Island

    It's rather good :)
  4. T

    Projects Sent

    Good luck mate!
  5. T

    Help creating a monster

    I think the main thing with the previous MoL II is that Mongoose already had the art for the creatures, so it was just a case of putting the text across into Legend, which they also had. A brand new one from scratch often requires more work -- since they'd need to get art sorted for it and...
  6. T

    Help creating a monster

    I'm not sure what'd be in Monsters of Legend III, but honestly, I'd really love to see classic monsters done.
  7. T

    Spider God's Bride: where are the cultural backgrounds?

    I third that, very good art indeed!
  8. T

    Help creating a monster

    I was always fond of throwing in things like a black pudding hanging inconspicuously over a doorway in the dark. **SCHLUPF**
  9. T

    Spider God's Bride: where are the cultural backgrounds?

    I believe you can find them in Song of the Beast Gods, and Citadel. Cheers!
  10. T

    Tips on a Lankhmar Campaign

    It's very good, and has a couple of sidebars that deal with various issues such as slavery and so forth.
  11. T

    Winter Eternal Setting Conversion

    There might be, since some folks love Hellfrost for example in SW.
  12. T

    Tips on a Lankhmar Campaign

    I bought the Savage Worlds Lankhmar recently, and I can say it's got some excellent background/information and has a great adventure - you could probably adapt it into Legend/any system you choose. The atmosphere is there and advice about bringing Lank to life.
  13. T

    Homebrew Settings

    Sounds cool, share more details?
  14. T

    Homebrew Settings

    I just need to twist Matt's arm to let me bring one of my things to Legend ;)
  15. T

    Legend 2014 - Cults of Sheoloth: the Killer (DONE)

    Stuff has been sent to Matt.