Recent content by stevinator

  1. S

    Crusade, WTF?

    Great burn was much much later, just read this on wikipedia: nice plot spoilers etc as well as some info on the series and stuff. One thing I was surprised to read however was some hints of a less than spectacular working relationship...
  2. S

    New B5 on DVD ?

    Very glad to hear this, work been keeping me somewhat busy lately such that I have not heard this one yet. Any idea where it falls in terms of time line etc? Pre 2258, post 2263 etc? I just pray it is not another legend of the rangers sort of thing...still makes me shudder that one does.
  3. S

    Which is the WORST B5 film. . . .

    Legend of the Rangers hands down! Ship designs and some of the backstory etc were interesting but OMG the 'weapons' system still makes me shudder... What I dont get though: Not sure where but I remember reading some where a while back from the big guy himself (JMS) that he would not consider...
  4. S

    Shadow Fleet and Scout assembly

    Is it just me or are these shadow scouts peticularly frustrating to assemble? A pint of accelerator and a couple tubes of super glue later and I still have half a dozen of those prongs to stick... Dont get me started on those minbari and Centauri guns...they are in a zip lock in case madness...
  5. S

    Ever wondered where the Narn Homeworld is????

    might be getting it mixed up with the SST stuff here but I think alpha centauri was an earth outpost of some sort I think so might be able to scratch that one from the candidates? The sooner we find it the sooner we can start importing breen!!! (you know, the episode in season 3 or 4 where...
  6. S

    You've got your SST in my B5! You've got B5 in my SST!

    Havent tried it myself but I think it could easily work. They are already using the same d20 system with mods (ex plus 1-3 hp/per lvl as opposed to the d6-d12 roll method). Thematically they work well with B5 being the Battlefleet gothic ized version to SST's WH40k game... sorry for the gw...
  7. S

    modern/scifi or fantasy?

    I like them both, in the end I picked fantasy just because mongoose already has 2 excellent modern/sci-fi lines for RPG and Mini's with B5 and SST...would be nice if the next major license is a fantasy setting.
  8. S

    Battlestar Galactica RPG

    I hope its D20, I know the system has its limits but I hate having to learn new systems. Besides if its D20 we will get that much more source material since a big chunk of the book wont have to be about the mechanics. It might also get a few new players looking for a new game but not wanting to...
  9. S


    No option for keep metals, doh...I wanted to vote to see the results of the poll too... Personally I am a big fan of the metal mini's, I just like the 'heft' of a good solid pewter mini and this is one of the main reasons I left GW. 40 or 50$ for a plastic box set was getting rediculous. One...