There were quite a lot of interesting bits starting to form....and yes, the cure was supposedly going to be found relatively early on, and the whole shadowtech abuse story become the centre (that's where the cure was going to pop up, supposedly).
Several interesting characters had popped up, inside the ship and out, but with only 12 episodes or so none of them managed to reach Mr.Bester status by being regular characters.
If you've seen the episode with the body-hopping aliens, the Earthgov rep (the supposed PR guy who turns up with fashion designer in tow) was supposedly going to be a big player; hence the being who'd been in his head saying 'I know what you're after, I know where you can find it' and his own comment about 'if anyone knows about surving political change, it's me'
Apocalypse box.....would have been interesting to see what thy actually did with it. The commentry points out that they actually used Gideon's voice - suitably distorted - for the voice of the box, which is no doubt highly significant in a way I don't quite get.