Recent content by pa11ad1n

  1. P

    Guard Bugs

    I pin aslong as i can find my of not so much at the moment.... Don't have any guard bugs myself, but I would have thought soperglue would have worked fine, and pinned them if it didn't.
  2. P

    Suspicious About SST Evo?

    ThinkI'll break out the paints and have another stab at actually getting my MI painted in the hope that I can make it....
  3. P

    What do you prefer? Wargaming, painting minis or both?

    I gennerally have some stuff to paint...and some stuff to play with (almost exclusively not to nearly the same standard)... I really love both aspects but cant paint whole armies without alot of extra motivation. ((Money, btw, is a huge motivation...and I have time ATM...)) I support the...
  4. P

    Starship Troopers Evolution

    Wow. Um. Wow...that is allot to take in. I can see one big bright side to this...those Aracnid Warriors have a simmilar scheme to mine so it will be easy to paint the extra detail on...the black will look alot pailer on those new ones and I'm concerend about getting a clear yellow on certain...
  5. P

    Playing a game or simulating a battle?

    Well the original point of wargames was as a simulation and they can't really get away from that...(might as well play chess or draughts if you don't want a simulation). The rules are written to be fun to play though...and it is at the end of the day still 'just' a game. If you think of it...
  6. P

    monkey magic rpg

    Well I know it was on TV in florida waaaaay back in the early 90s...and I'm pretty dang sure that was a repeat lol. Also seen it on TV in the UK...last year...(again repeat) Plus I'm pretty sure it didn't originate in Europe or America. It is pretty much known around the world. Me thinks...
  7. P

    Blade Runner

    CP2020 is not a mongoose game (and neither is SR for that matter). I believe the point was that you could easily run BR with an existing ruleset. I, personaly, love cyberpunk (as a genre). I also like Bladerunner as movie (haven't got around to reading the book)...wouldn't mind it as a...
  8. P


    Lets face it...for fluff purposes the MI would have kept shooting Cliff until his reamins were splattered far and wide. Then they would dhoot him some more...just to be sure. we are talking thin covering of annoying mite across the camp. As they don't seem to have done it yet the arachnids...
  9. P

    Why did you get into SST game?

    Read the book back about the time the movie was released. Loved that book. Still got it somewhere (moved a couple of months ago)...really needs eared doesn't cover the state that book is in. BTW it was still available to buy this time last year...still the 87 cover. We had 1...
  10. P

    girlfriends or sst

    There's an assumption for you... Girlfriend>SST>one night stand with minger :lol
  11. P

    A Sculpting Poll

    No disrepect to the current sculptor but I totally see the problems here...I'm not a fan of most of the skinny range. The faces on many of the humans guess. (Some variation would have been nice on the plastic MIs) On the other hand I've tried sculpting...and, well...faces...
  12. P

    Mass Combat in the Black Kingdoms

    seems like traipsing through the jungle and slaying tons of mooks as they find you is the order of the day. Sounds like fun! Hacky hacky slash slash, hacky hacky slash slash....*singsong voice*
  13. P

    How old are you?

    25...although I was only 23 when this topic started...and i'm not going into my experience...I don't have enough time and would still miss stuff...some of it by accident. Lets just say over half my life as a gamer and leave it at that...(incase anyone is really wondering I've been able to say...
  14. P

    MI or Bugs, what do you plan to take to the tourney?

    I'm having second thought about going now.... (Voted MI, easier on the pocket! And the painting.)