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  • We are pretty close together with regards to 15k dTon battle riders. My costs more credits to keep deployed, but has armored bulkheads to reduce criticals on a bunch of systems, a small Marine contingent, two small-craft, a 'Breakaway Hull' to interface with the Tender, and a biosphere to keep the crew fed.

    In particular, I wish 'Screens' were not so amazingly useless in the current edition.
    Terry Mixon
    Weirdly, only ships of 7,500 tons or less can have additional sensor stations under the rules. That means I could make a 7500 ton EW ship with goodness knows how many stations, but the Warmonger is limited to 46 stations. My little 1000-ton Hornet EW ship has almost as many as the Warmonger.
    J. L. Brown
    That was exactly why I wanted to make a 7500 dTon Sensor Support Ship.
    Terry Mixon
    Done. ;) I'll post it in a few minutes.
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