Ziggurat Con - The World's First War Zone Game Convention

The King

Cosmic Mongoose
Which Con are you going to this year? GenCon? Origins? Dundracon? How about Ziggurat Con? The latter is brand new this year, and is being held at Camp Adder/Tallil Airbase on June 9. In Iraq.


Any volunteers?

I guess Mongoose could appreciate getting involved there (furnishing material) as one of Mongoose director is an ex-British Army Officier. Are there still good companionship between the US Army and the British Army?
You'd like to know about US/UK military relations the day after another inquest of a British serviceman has been been stymied by an American cover-up?

Would you?

Well it depends on the case.

There is also Nicola Calipari, member of the Italian intelligence service who was shot by a US Marine (who is coincidentally named Mario Lozano). Do you think this provoke a Casus Belli between the US and Italy?
more so when the US is involved ;) running joke is not sure wether its better to be in front of the US military as their target or alongside as their ally, just as likely to be shot by them ;)
Yes, it's a fact the US Army acts somewhat as if it would operate alone though the chief of staff keeps asking the other allies to bring more troops. May be they need to train the markmanship within their units :roll:
I am, but I'm afraid all the news here is about the Virginia Tech shootings. First I'd heard about this investigation, or lack thereof.

Either way, I'm hoping it doesn't have much to do with the event in the thread title. And while I'm not sure I'd try a EFTF vs. USMC BF:E battle or anything, a good round of VaS might be just what the morale office ordered.
lt.harper said:
When will people learn, vilonce is not the anser to problems.

"Whoever says violence never solved anything has obviously never tried it." -- Me

There are people from the US on here, we are just used to this treatment on the forums by now. There have been whole threads on the subject locked and deleted with the occasional promise to try and keep it under control.

It does not surprise me that there was a cover up since the US Military policy seems to be to cover up all friendly fire incidents, especially if they involve fatalities. This applies to US on US incidents, US on ally incidents and even ally on US incidents.
Luckily it seems there are no Iraki on this forum or at least they don't say they don't want these troops anymore. Anyway, this and these incidents we told previously about are not the subject of the thread.

And if I had learnt that British soldiers would also organize a convention in this theater or in another, I'd have posted it.

And if Brtish soldiers ever go to this convention, may be they can come with some material provided by Mongoose as their hard-cover books are known to be bullet-proof

The post was only for information purpose.
I had already posted this myself in the off topic forums too :)
and I am a serving in the british military. got nothign against americans myself :) we just know its sometimes dangerous to be on same side as you guys :lol:
This thread has led to some interesting points. Unfortunately none of them actually talk about doing anything for the guys over there. Anyone planning on sending stuff over there? I am.

The list of games they plan on running is:

They're planning to run the following games (and will be happy to get additional games).

Babylon 5 RPG, Cyberpunk 2020, D&D, D&D RPGA, GURPS, Historic Miniatures Battles, Magic Tournament, MechWarrior Miniatures, Rifts, Shadowrun, Starship Troopers, White Wolf System-Vampire, White Wolf System-Werewolf, XCrawl

The Website is: http://www.toys4troops.org. Come on guys, they deserver some support just for having such a cool URL.

A couple of Mongoose titles in there I notice.

I just newly aquired a chunk of CP2020 stuff I've decided to send over and plan to buy them some dice (lack of body armor is one thing but having to share dice!?!?!?)

All kidding aside you don't have to support the war (I don't) to appreciate what these guys are doing and going through over there. I don't know how it is for the Brits but the U.S. guys have repeatedly had their tours extended or served consecutive tours or been redeployed after a very short home stint - they deserve any R&R they can get, and we all can appreciate the escape gaming provides. Why exactly they choose to relax by wargaming...

It is open to all coalition forces and contractors and it is at Camp Adder which is in southern Iraq not far from the Brittish controlled area around Basra. I'm not sure if UK forces are attending but it is definately a possibility. But hey, we are all in this together after all.
Any interest at all?

I did ask the organizer about British troop participation and this is from his reply:

We do have British Troops here, a full company to be precise, and most are planning to attend the Convention. The only ones who won't be there have to work.