When do we get the Neroon and Brivoki?


Armageddon was a while ago now, so I hope the last rescuplted models won't be too much longer.
Nahh i guess MGP has lost its boombox due to an electrical shortcut...

Hehe Brakiri are perfect contenders for the "cheaper is better" doctrine ^^. (Nope i didnt like the Braks in the show ^^ :p)
Any length of time is good to wait if the end product is an improvement on the old model... which to be painfully honest shouldn't be that hard to.
lastbesthope said:
As Kosh would say:

"You are not ready"


...but to further adapt the words of the mighty Vorlon, I wanna be a pebble caught in the avalanche of models and not have to vote on what's next :)
Arch Lector Petrovski said:
I didn't really have a problem with the old Neroon, I know a lot of people did but I thought they looked pretty good.

Wel it kinda did, it was just lacking any kind of detail. It basically had tubes for laser cannons and stuff like that. Basically it was a bad time of sleek ships for MGP. Dunno if the Drakh are to blame for that. (Now i really dont like the detailless Drakh models too much, but that isnt MGPs fault, they already looked boring in the show ^^)
I take the point about the cannons, I'd forgotten how shocking they looked. But on the whole it is a pretty decent model. I think the Drakh were designed to appear organic, similar to the Shadows yet unique in their own way.
Yes well the SHadows at least have a textur and/or structure on their ships. The Drakh have flat surfaces, which is not too organic, but rather artificial.
But the Drakh are as they are, animated as they were in the show.

Now the Neroon on the other hand had every reason to look good (but with detail) like the rest of the minbo ships. And i hope it aint too expensive.
Seeing as i wanted to play Centauri, but the Adira is just too pricey for me.
I love the Neroon shape... but If the every released one I would have to strip all the ugly details off it and scratch build it back up again.
Lord David the Denied said:
The Neroon designed for the B5 X3 mod is far superior to the MGP one. I hope the designers are taking note... :wink:
We can only hope, that is one sexy CGI...
well... sorry to differ but i don't like that version of the Neroon, it simply look like a Sharlin passed under a road roller. I would have preferred it to be a bit more different, if more Minbari than Moongose's version.