What is August working on?



I mean… Might of Magnamund is his official project for Lone Wolf now?
I hope we do see this product sometime this year. I think we need it to balance out the superb Magic Of Magnamund. If Dawn Of Destruction was produced in light of the poll on the Tower Of The Sun it's worth noting that it began "After Might Of Magnamund" what would people like to see.
Yeah, thanks to the poll we now have a scenario coming out instead of a class book. Really throws things into a loop when you consider classes are slightly skewed towards magik users now. I wish the scenario had been scheduled after might of mag; so people could use the new classes in their game.
Mongoose listened to everyone's feedback around the web and elsewhere, and the general feeling was to move away from the classes for a little while, so that's why Might isn't getting done so soon.
Or possibly the scenario writer was free to do some work, while they wanted August to do Might and he has a huge backlog.
august is great and the fact he is helming SST makes it a must buy for me know he is overworked but the warrior book will address a balance problem with spellcasters givng the warriors the same choices the mages have now.
mthomason said:
Or possibly the scenario writer was free to do some work, while they wanted August to do Might and he has a huge backlog.

I think that there is a lot of truth to this. I'm not too worried as long as we see Might Of Magnamund sometime this year. Also didn't the poll advocate regional source books over scenarios. That said I'm looking forward to Dawn of Destruction. :)
toothill man said:
august is great and the fact he is helming SST makes it a must buy for me know he is overworked but the warrior book will address a balance problem with spellcasters givng the warriors the same choices the mages have now.

If SST is a great success where does that leave the Lone Wolf line? Mongoose have a fist full of very popular licences as it is. I hope that the new writer has the CS and EP to pull off some good products and to do so over a period of time. That way we may see some regional source books as well as more adventures. It is my hope that the new writer together with Ians careful hand will steer us more along the line of a quarterly release.

That said I still want to see stuff from August the material produced so far has been superb.