what do we whant from a new edition(slaine)

toothill man

as we know the author lurks here so what do we want guys apart from new stuff what of the old do you want to keep and of course why 8)
I don't need old material but if Slaine is to be adapted for Runequest, I wonder how the magic system will change. Fights between warriors are easy whatever the system but keeping the feeling in the magic is more challenging.
I like the idea from the tribe books so that other groups have signature spells including the drunes and tribes like the fir bolg 8)
What I want from a new Slaine Book?

Well without sounding too rude or inpertinent.

One the design side of things.

Some choice Slaine art work from the comics.

Perhaps alot of work from Clint Lanely's work on the Book of Invsions.
Those graphics novle they are doing now, have some great art work on the cover and inside.

But to be also painfully honest, I thought that some of the art design in the D20 Slaine to be alittle flawed. Though I still like it though.

The didn't think the art work on the cover was typical enough on the D20Slaine core book. I prefer something from G. Fabry, M. Machon and S. Bisley.

Take note of the Celtic knot work that S. Bisley provided on the Horned God in the pages of the original comic progs. Something you would find that isn't included in any of the GN reprints.

I also think that there was a tendency to use the same bunch of comic panels over and over again in the core book. I somethimes thought this was inconsistant with what is on the page in writing. I have a mind to see a graphical representtation of each of the character where their stats are written up. Perhaps even in each of their incarnations. The character Slaine himself atleast should have. Perhaps even a full page graphical collage.

Another idea for example., take White-Wolf's rules for
'Werewolf the Apocalpse' ( I'm not too sure about Werewolf : Forsaken, I don't own a copy of those rules and have only had a quick squizz at it while in a gaming store.) or Vampire : The Masquarade. Werewolf, with the claw marks on the front cover and a small story shown in comic form inside. These pages have these runic looking borders that look really fitting as well.

Perhaps Slaine could include the full version off the 'The Killing Fields' or 'The Time-monster' ( Which is shown for free online anyway.) with permission from the right people of course.

Of course I make all these suggestions without prior knowledge of having ever put to together a book myself. So please understand if you think I have no idea what so ever about costs, the amount of money that has already gone into this, how much more it would cost to improve and all the stuff to do with copyright and licencing.

One last thing I prefer the old scotch paper to the shiny slippery stuff that is used now.
I recently bought the complete Moon Sow campaign and am wondering if the other books they mentioned in it were ever published, like one on the Drunes. It would be nice of them to release those texts before they convert Slaine fully to the RQ system. I wonder if the mystery books were ever written or just planned?
Anvil said:
Will they be re-releasing MoonSow.

I'm two books shy of the D20 version.
can't you find them on ThruRPG.com?
You may also find them on ebay.com in new condition.
The books I have been interested in getting may have been long gone now as Mongoose's larder of D20 Slaine and perhaps Judge Dredd has now run dry. Correct me if I am wrong here.

I know that within the last year and ahalf, everytime I walk into gaming store and decide to buy what ever is still available of the above Mongoose product. I get told that I was very lucky to find it there as the store keeper fibs about it being now longer in print and that Mongoose not longer hold the licence.

Now as of sometime earlier this year. This is now the truth. Much to my dismay Mongoose are now no longer making any of those.

In fact, by the appearances of the Mongoose product has been available on the shelves where I shop. I 'm not sure if I'll be seeing any of the future RuneQuest/Slaine stuff that Mongoose have been promicing of late. For I haven't even seen them stock any of the RuneQuest material that that should be available at the moment.

Of course I am only venting my wrath at the local book stores and not the gaming companies such as Mongoose.

Never the less I shall have a look at Drive RPG.Com and my first question then would be. Is that where the rules are downloaded. As I still like the idea of a proper book correctly bound and colourful artwork on the cover.
mongoose still have the license for 2000AD and runequest is one of their best supported games so afraid you were given a whole load of lies :evil:

look at http://toys.search.ebay.com/slaine_Games_W0QQcatrefZC12QQfromZR8QQsacatZ233QQsubmitsearchZSearch

There are many books you can purchase in the "Buy it now" column.
Yep, I now have a E-bay account and have tagged quite a few books. I 'm not going buy them yet. As have no way of paying.( Yet.) Besides my finances until the end of this year have been tied up. ( Christmas shopping.)

Oh, and I was formally ANVIL, now I am called Standing-Stone.
I bought most of my Slaine shop in this ebay shop http://search.stores.ebay.com/Wonderworld-Comics-and-Games_slaine_W0QQfciZ15QQfclZ3QQfsnZWonderworldQ5fComicsQ5fandQ5fGamesQQfsooZ2QQfsopZ3QQftsZ2QQsaselZ34869219QQsofpZ0
Though it has nothing to do directly with the rules I already bought "Magic of Glorantha" (I'm an old Glorantha fan). Though I couldn't read the book yet, the art and visual presentation are exquisite.

The rules seems to be quite different from the previous Basic RPG version though.