Hi guys,
Just wanted to float your opinion on something.
We are planning a whole slew of web enhancements for all our products over the next few months, including Babylon 5.
However, we are due to start a new Babylon 5 campaign at the office in the next month or so. If we posted PDFs of scenarios, characters, locations and such like from this campaign, would that be any use to you? A certain percentage of it will revolve around the specific characters in our group, of course but, in theory, it could provide the building blocks of an entire campaign, if you are the sort of GM who likes using pre-written material in his games.
So, any use?
Just wanted to float your opinion on something.
We are planning a whole slew of web enhancements for all our products over the next few months, including Babylon 5.
However, we are due to start a new Babylon 5 campaign at the office in the next month or so. If we posted PDFs of scenarios, characters, locations and such like from this campaign, would that be any use to you? A certain percentage of it will revolve around the specific characters in our group, of course but, in theory, it could provide the building blocks of an entire campaign, if you are the sort of GM who likes using pre-written material in his games.
So, any use?