Web Material for B5


Staff member
Hi guys,

Just wanted to float your opinion on something.

We are planning a whole slew of web enhancements for all our products over the next few months, including Babylon 5.

However, we are due to start a new Babylon 5 campaign at the office in the next month or so. If we posted PDFs of scenarios, characters, locations and such like from this campaign, would that be any use to you? A certain percentage of it will revolve around the specific characters in our group, of course but, in theory, it could provide the building blocks of an entire campaign, if you are the sort of GM who likes using pre-written material in his games.

So, any use?
I would enjoy it as well.

I use PCs and NPCs from my various games in other games I run.

I would also be interested in seeing how you created your PCs.

Agreed, some of your adventures may be able to be directly lifted into games others are running. Other GMs will be able to take the ideas and create their own adventures from them. Still others can use what happens to flesh out the background of their own games even if they never use them directly.
The most useful thing to my mind would be locations, complete with NPCs, floor/deck plans etc. Scenario hooks based around those locations would be spiffy too.

Deck plans for the kind of ships the players are likely to encounter would be great as well.
Oh my Goodness, no, no, and NO!
These things wouldn't be helpful in the least!!!
Please do not make them available in PDF.

Please note the dripping saurcasm,

msprange said:
Hi guys,

Just wanted to float your opinion on something.

We are planning a whole slew of web enhancements for all our products over the next few months, including Babylon 5.

However, we are due to start a new Babylon 5 campaign at the office in the next month or so. If we posted PDFs of scenarios, characters, locations and such like from this campaign, would that be any use to you? A certain percentage of it will revolve around the specific characters in our group, of course but, in theory, it could provide the building blocks of an entire campaign, if you are the sort of GM who likes using pre-written material in his games.

So, any use?

Scenarios are nice but if its specific to your office groups characters then in all honesty i'd probably, presonally rather see a story hour.. maybe written from the perspective of a different player and hence character each session?

The story hour would be a handy medium to provide new variant rules and the odd new feat, teep power, vessel, gear etc... as it progresses.

that way we get the goodies and a good read ;)
Neo have a great suggestion, but anyway you provide it, I'd love to see this as a web supplement. As a story hour, it could maybe draw some new prospective players.
I enjoy reading about others' campaigns as well as talking about my own.
I think (from what I read) that the writers at Mongoose really know thier Bablyon 5 and I would be most interested in reading whatever they published about thier in-house campaign!!!
I go with Neo. Story hour would be great. That way you get different points of view from each game session. Maybe if a new feat, skill or vessel shows up have it stats there :D
