WASP Troopers? Anyone use them? Experiences with?


With the new edition on the way, I'm not going to bother picking up the army books, so if any forum members can help me out...

I already have three boxes worth, is it wrth getting more? Can you up the squad size or...?

What's your normal squad setup?

How good are they? Basically is it worth getting more?

Cuz I'm seeing MI fly into battle while "Ride of the Valkyries" plays... :D

Voracioustigger said:
WASPs with flamers are possibly the scariest unit in the game. The Hover move is REALLY great when you use terrain over 6" tall.

Great for hit and run tatics against Warriors. Also so good to give you control of the board and making the bug player chase you. Just be sure do drop a nuke or six on the plasma and the brain. Once you do that, its all yours.
Very good when just equipped with frag grenades.
Ready: unit hovers and dumps 8d10 on the enemy. Flamers are a bit expensive as they'll only get to fire every other action (if you are hovering) buying nice cheap grenades means everyone gets a d10 every time they are eligible to fire. Keeps the unit cost down a bit.
Grenades and Flamers. Hell no on the javelins, never ever will they be useful to wasp packs. I wouldnt suggest taking a fully wasp pack force either to be honest. :p

Wasp packs, pathfinders and marauder platoon.

I played against this and its nasty, I vaguely remember a unit of normal CAPs too.
JoseDominguez said:
Flamers are a bit expensive as they'll only get to fire every other action (...) Keeps the unit cost down a bit.
However flamers will significantly increase the reaction firepower - 4d10 instead of 4d6 is imo worth those points.
if you leave wasp pack troopers within charge range then you're doing it wrong :)
I like to keep them on top of cover.

My approach has always been to have lots of models with low level armament, then save the points for reaver armed pathfinders. Seemed to work so far, that way the loss of one unit is never a crippling blow. Still never had the bottle to try an exo force :)
Wasp packs, pathfinders and marauder platoon.

I played against this and its nasty, I vaguely remember a unit of normal CAPs too.
If it was at the 'War of Species', then that was probably mine. I had a Pathfinder Platoon and a Cap platoon which I split into a WASPs squad and a Cap's squad with Marauder Sgt. There was also a TAC-UAV thrown in for good measure too :)

In reply to the WASPs, yes, I found them to be very effective when used in and around cover as a few have already said. The WASP's more or less won me the game against Greg's Marauder force, so I was pleasantly surprised how effective they can be.

JoseDominguez said:
if you leave wasp pack troopers within charge range then you're doing it wrong :)

As long as you ensure the bugs can't reach you alive that is just free rounds of shooting :D