Very Basic Question or two


We are rolling up PCs for our first game and I fielded a question about feats. For an example: A 1st level character, who played his race's favored class would have 2 feats right? (1 for 1st level and 1 for favored class).
Unless specified in the character's class table, he would not get another feat until 5th level and another at 10th level.
So, not counting special abilities, your 10th level Cimmerian Barbarian only has 4 feats, right?
A 3rd level Zingaran Soldier would have 4 feats (1st level, favored class, plus 1st and 2nd soldier bonus feats) right?

I know this is a basic question, but I just wanted to make sure.

Also, am I going blind or is the 1st edition Core book missing the spell Advanced Prestidigitation?

Thanks for any clarity you may provide,
All characters also get bonus feats by character level (1st level, 3rd level, etc.). See the chart on page 40 of the core book (Atlantean Edition).

- thulsa
A 10th level barbarian should have 7 feats. All characters get feats at 1, 3, 6, and 9. Bonus feats for barbarian being the favored class of a Cimmerian at 1, 5, and 10.

I don't have my books in front of me, so I am not sure if Barbarians get bonus feats the way Soldiers and Nomads do, but I don't think so.

The 3rd level Zingaran soldier should have 5 feats. Character feats at 1 and 3. Bonus feat at 1 (for favored class). And Soldier bonus feats at 1 and 2.

Hope that helps.
Hyborian Apeman said:
A 10th level barbarian should have 7 feats. All characters get feats at 1, 3, 6, and 9. Bonus feats for barbarian being the favored class of a Cimmerian at 1, 5, and 10.
Hope that helps.

Thanks H.A.
I looked and looked and couldn't find anything along those lines in the 1st edition core book.

MountZionEditor said:
Thanks H.A.
I looked and looked and couldn't find anything along those lines in the 1st edition core book.


Try page 39, table 3-2, 5th column of the first edition of Conan the Roleplaying Game.
MountZionEditor wrote:
Also, am I going blind or is the 1st edition Core book missing the spell Advanced Prestidigitation?

Is there an Advanced Prestidigitation spell in AE? I only have the first edition and would be very interested in knowing what its effects are. Also, I hope a detailed errata will be released some day (as a free pdf) for those who bought 1st edition. Not additional content, just the ERRATA for the book. Not the LIST of CORRECTIONS we were given.
Not that I'm upset about it, but if time allows, it would be a good idea to release it.
MountZionEditor said:
A 1st level character, who played his race's favored class would have 2 feats right? (1 for 1st level and 1 for favored class).

Yes. That encourages you to play a races 'favoured' class.

MountZionEditor said:
Unless specified in the character's class table, he would not get another feat until 5th level and another at 10th level.

No. All characters get feats at 1st, 3rd, 6th, etc. This is in addition to any class feats.

MountZionEditor said:
Also, am I going blind or is the 1st edition Core book missing the spell Advanced Prestidigitation?

Hopefully I'm explaining this right. If not, I'm sure somebody will smite me. :P

Prestidigitation is the name of the Sorcery Style. Conjuring is listed as "Basic Prestidigitation" (damn thats a pain to type...) All of the other spells in that category are considered "Advanced Prestidigitation". If you check out the other spell lists, they have the same set-up.

Did the book specifically mention a spell called "Advanced Prestidigitation"?

Hope that helps.
VincentDarlage said:
Try page 39, table 3-2, 5th column of the first edition of Conan the Roleplaying Game.
(Wipes egg from face)
Doh, I thought I would check again on my lunch break, and by Crom I found it. As Momma says, "If it'd been a snake..."

Thanks, and sorry.
Darth Mikey said:

Did the book specifically mention a spell called "Advanced Prestidigitation"?

Hope that helps.
I don't have it in front of me, but I read it that way. One of the advanced spells in the Prestidigitation style mentions that it is similar to Advanced Prestidigitaion.
Darth Mikey said:
Prestidigitation is the name of the Sorcery Style. Conjuring is listed as "Basic Prestidigitation" (damn thats a pain to type...) All of the other spells in that category are considered "Advanced Prestidigitation". If you check out the other spell lists, they have the same set-up.

That is correct.
Got it.

Page 221, Conan Core Rules, the spell "Greater Telekinesis"

Quote: This works much like Advanced Prestidigitation I, except as follows...

Okay, here's my take. It looks like a typo, a carry-over from earlier in the writing process, like before spells were named.

It more than likely should read:

This works much like Telekinesis, except as follows...

Hope that helps.