I've been thinking of implementing Green Ronin's T20 rules for damage and health in all my D20 games, including Conan, of course. In fact I gamesmaster it tomorrow night and likely will do then.
For those you don't know it, the system for damage and health was first developed by Green Ronin for their Mutants & Masterminds superheroes rpg and then was used for the T20 system, an alternate for D20 fantasy that basically turns D20 into a system that just uses a 20 sided die (T20 means True 20).
In a few words, the damage and health system of T20 don't use HP, and tries to be more realistic in terms of damage, using different wound levels; you feel the pain since the first blow, and after some more hits, tou are down and begin to die. Your resistance depends on class, level and Constitution, so it retains the feel of D&D D20, after all.
I'm willing to change the damage and health rules because my players don't like them in D&D D20, finding higly unrealistic that characters resist a lot of damage withouth feeling it at all until they reach 0 HP and automatically fall down. Much more, they reason, in the more real game of Conan. And, you know, they're essentially right. So as a good master I must always try to please my players to enhance their playing experience.
The rules are very modular, so I think there's not much problem changing just the damage and health rules, and playing with the rest of the D20 ones. The only problem is with the weapons damage, which is measured in a completely different way. But that's solved using too the weapon table of T20.
The thing is, someone has tried this experiment before? I'm not talking of using the T20 system entirelly, but just exporting the damage and health rules only to other systems. I understand that in D&D D20 it would require more work, rewriting every health-caring magic (potions, spells...), but nothing that can be done. Of course, I will inform of my experiences, too...
For those you don't know it, the system for damage and health was first developed by Green Ronin for their Mutants & Masterminds superheroes rpg and then was used for the T20 system, an alternate for D20 fantasy that basically turns D20 into a system that just uses a 20 sided die (T20 means True 20).
In a few words, the damage and health system of T20 don't use HP, and tries to be more realistic in terms of damage, using different wound levels; you feel the pain since the first blow, and after some more hits, tou are down and begin to die. Your resistance depends on class, level and Constitution, so it retains the feel of D&D D20, after all.
I'm willing to change the damage and health rules because my players don't like them in D&D D20, finding higly unrealistic that characters resist a lot of damage withouth feeling it at all until they reach 0 HP and automatically fall down. Much more, they reason, in the more real game of Conan. And, you know, they're essentially right. So as a good master I must always try to please my players to enhance their playing experience.
The rules are very modular, so I think there's not much problem changing just the damage and health rules, and playing with the rest of the D20 ones. The only problem is with the weapons damage, which is measured in a completely different way. But that's solved using too the weapon table of T20.
The thing is, someone has tried this experiment before? I'm not talking of using the T20 system entirelly, but just exporting the damage and health rules only to other systems. I understand that in D&D D20 it would require more work, rewriting every health-caring magic (potions, spells...), but nothing that can be done. Of course, I will inform of my experiences, too...