Updated Cheat Sheet - Ready for Download


The updated version of my play aids is now ready.

The new version includes:

Feat list with pre-reqs, organised alphabetically by feat tree.

Edited and correct combat quick reference.

Race and culture list.

Alchemical, herbal and poisonous substances.

Skill use summary.

Weapon hardness and hp list.

Collated from AE, Pirate Isles, Scrolls of Skelos, Free Companies, Road of Kings and Shadizar: City of Wickedness.

Rather then reply to 50+ individual emails, if someone would care to host these files, that would be most appreciated (Evilschemer, who is kindly hosting the originals, doesn't seem to be around any more).
There's one copy in .pdf and one in .doc., about 500KB in total.

They've already been sent off to Vincent, who has graciously offered to look after them for me (and, yay me, I get something on one of the premier Conan sites out there :D ).

Hopefully he will provide a link here as soon as they are up.
Sablewyvern, though it seems you have solved your "hosting troubles" already, just wanted to chime in and say that I have no problem hosting this or similar stuff on my Hyborian Age site as well.

- thulsa
Anyone else that wants to put this up on their own site is welcome to do so once they get a hold of it.

Oh, and I should say thanks for the offers, as well. 8)
Fyrestryke said:
Here's the direct links to the files.

I'll post them in the text of the Conan d20 site at a later time.

Conan Lists 2.0 - PDF - DOC

Maybe it's just my machine, but the .pdf file contains several pages containing nothing other than grey bars.

They look fine in the .doc, however.
Jason Durall said:
Maybe it's just my machine, but the .pdf file contains several pages containing nothing other than grey bars.

They look fine in the .doc, however.

Hey Jason, I just redownloaded the file to be sure and I'm not seeing any gray bars by themselves. Some of the text is separated by alternating gray bars. Do you have a recent version of Acrobat Reader installed?
My original is fine, and I've downloaded the .pdf from the link above, no problems there either. I'd say the problem is certainly at your end, Jason.
SableWyvern said:
My original is fine, and I've downloaded the .pdf from the link above, no problems there either. I'd say the problem is certainly at your end, Jason.

I checked it out further, and it was a Adobe synch issue. Nice-looking .pdf!
Can some one get this man a copy of Across Thunder River....I have been looking for something like this and here it is!!! Thank you very much, only problem I have is extremely minor, no ATR in your list the campaign I am working on starts there!!!!
Barovan said:
Can some one get this man a copy of Across Thunder River....I have been looking for something like this and here it is!!! Thank you very much, only problem I have is extremely minor, no ATR in your list the campaign I am working on starts there!!!!

Donations of Conan material to the Cheat Sheet Foundation gladly accepted.

Actually, since Mongoose has all their material available in .pdf, I may end up acquiring more of the line than I had originally intended, but in any case AtTR is a long, long way down my current list of priorites.