Unusual spaceship names

In one campaign the party had just gotten hold of a fully paid up 400T merchant and had decided to go a-trading. Having just read a lot of C.S. Lewis, I suggested Dawn Treader for the name. "Dawn Trader!" one of the others said, "Brilliant!" So Dawn Trader it was, and when we started expanding our fleet, the new ships were named Dusk Trader, Morning Trader, Midday Trader etc..

I don't know if they'd count as unusual but I had a series of small merchant ships named as a play on words. The two that come to me off the top of my head are:

Lost Prophets (the first ship, prototype so no standard design discount, wouldn't make the payments, had to be bought outright out of past profits)

Chants of a Prophet (the second, standard design discount savings, should make the payments)

...I thought them amusing and fun :) Can't recall the others I came up with off hand, they may be scribbled down somewhere. I think I ran out of "Prophet" themes and went off on a tangent, but I can't even recall what the tangent was at the moment.

BTW Hans, I thought I'd heard the name Dawn Trader in connection with Traveller before, dug up the reference below. That and yours wouldn't be connected would they? Or maybe both just owe thier origins to the Dawn Treader. Just curious. I also seem to recall a Dawn Trader mention in TNE somewhere.

Dawn Trader mention: http://traveller.wikia.com/wiki/Ghost_Fleet
At one point, way back in the dawn of spam, the spammers would send out their garbage with subject lines of two words, the first an adjective or participle, the second a noun. As this was before routine spam filtering, I'd sometimes have a hundred in a day. I'd take the best of those subject lines, and use them as names for Free Traders. The people that I played with knew better than to question names like

Jeffersonian Chessplayer
Perambulating Hippopotamus
Copacetic Capybara
Postprandial Theocentrism
Melodramatic Perchlorate

and so on.
When I last ran a game, one of the ships was the "Alfred E. Newman," but the transponder code also squawked "Sky King."

When they got a stealth outfit added, they referred to it as the "Little Black Dress."
locarno24 said:
I always liked the Culture Warships. My personal favourites:

1) Hand Me The Gun And Ask Me That Again
2) Lapsed Pacifist
3) I Said, I've Got A Big Stick
4) Attitude Adjuster

+1 :D

The Culture by Iain M. Banks is one setting I wouldn't mind to see translated into rpg's.
Stormy Teacup: a Frontiersman on loan from the scout service. No, the players did not get to choose the name because it was on loan.
Cold Mercy: A 140 year old Type S Scout. It had many quirks that did no mechanical effects but always managed to irritate the PCs. It had been 'gifted' to the ex-Scout. The Scout Service provides no fuel or maintenance as a consequence.